New CBJJ rules!
Yamasaki Academy instructor David Jacobs provides insight into the new rules.
Note: Jacobs' commentary is in italic.
The takedown rule has been modified significantly.
A-) TAKE DOWNS: Any kind of knocking down the opponent or being taken down on his back side, 2 points. If the athlete is thrown to the ground and does not land on his back, the thrower must pin him to the ground in the same position for at least 3 seconds to gain the points of the take down.
Observation 1: the take down that lands outside of the fighting area and on to the security area will be valid as long as the athlete that applied it stood with both feet in the fighting area while making the take down.
Observation 2: If the athlete has one of his knees on the ground and is taken down, whoever applied the take down will be awarded 2 points as long as he has both his feet on the ground. If the athlete has both his knees on the ground and is knocked down the standing athlete will have to pass to his side and maintain this position to receive an advantage.
Observation 3: When the athlete attempts the double leg and the opponent sits on the floor and executes a sweep, the athlete who attempted the takedown will not receive points, but the one who executed the sweep will.
Observation 4: When a competitor throws his opponent and ends up in a bottom position the competitor throwing will receive 2 points and the opponent on top will receive an advantage. If the competitor executing the throw lands in his opponents guard and is swept, both will receive 2 points.
Among other things, this rule implies that "wrestling" snapdown and spins will now be considered a 2 point takedown. Also, a takedown that starts in-bounds, but ends out-of-bounds WILL be a 2 point takedown.
Also, if you throw your opponent, but get rolled in the process and end up on bottom (happens a lot in judo throws), you will get the 2 points, but your opponent will also get an advantage.
The bottom player can no longer roll to all fours to avoid a guard pass:
B-) PASSING THE GUARD: Is when the athlete that is above his adversary or in between his legs, moves to his opponent’s side, establishing a perpendicular or longitudinal position over his adversary’s trunk, dominating him and leaving him no space to move or to escape the position—if even is on his side, back, or facing down. 3 points NOTE: if the athlete that is underneath avoids the move by getting to his knees or standing up, the initiative will not be awarded 3 points but will be awarded an advantage.
Some modifications for the mount (expressly allows you to have one of your legs over your opponent's arm)
D-) THE MOUNT: is when the athlete sits on his opponent’s torso; the opponent can be lying on his stomach, side or back. The one mounted can be on top of one of his opponent’s arms, but never on both. It will also be considered a mount if he has one knee and one foot on the ground, 4 POINTS.
OBS: no points will be awarded if his feet or knees are on his opponent’s leg. Also if an athlete applies a triangle while in the guard and in so doing lands mounted on his opponent, it will be considered a sweep, not a mount. (See the Guard)
E-) THE BACK GRAB: Is when the athlete grabs his adversary’s back, taking hold of his neck and wrapping his legs around his opponent’s waist, with his heels leaning on the inner side of his opponent’s thighs, not allowing him to leave the position.4 POINTS. NOTE: the points will not be awarded if both heels are not properly positioned on the inner part of the adversary’s thighs.Also will be considerea back grab if the athlete has the leg over one arm of the opponent but never over both arms, in this case no points will be awarded.
If you turtle to avoid a sweep, but your opponent gets behind you, your opponent will still be awarded 2 points:
F-) THE SWEEP: is when the athlete that is underneath has his opponent in his guard (in between his legs ) or the half guard (having one of his adversary’s legs between his) and is able to get on top of his adversary by inverting his position. 2 POINTS.
Observation 1: it will not be considered a sweep if the move does not begin from inside the guard or half guard.
Observation 2: When the athlete sweeping advances his position to the back of his opponent during the attempted sweep, he is awarded 2 points.
Observation 3: If starting in a guard position, an athlete attempts a sweep and both athletes return to their feet and the competitor attempting the sweep executes a takedown remaining on top, he will be awarded 2 points.
This sounds to me like something similar to a wrestling reversal. In the old BJJ rules, the refs didn't give you the 2 points unless your opponent flipped over onto his back and tried to put you into his guard. Now, if you do an armdrag from the guard and get behind your opponent, but he remains on all fours/turtled, is that 2 points? Sounds logical to me.
Stalling is supposed to be more strtictly enforced (from side mount and north/ south)
Are penalties given to the athlete after committing a third offence .i.e. avoiding engaging, staling or not seeking ways to finalize the fight.
Stalling: In case the athlete make the classic nstalling on the crosside or North South position without seeking ways to submit
As soon as the referee perceives that a competitor is stalling, the referee will begin a 30 second countdown and simultaneously warn the athlete. At the end of the thirty seconds the referee will punish the athlete, giving his opponent an advantage if the athlete keeps stalling, the referee will give another penalty restarting the fight standing up, and he will award 2 points to other athlete.
Brownbelts and blackbelts are now allowed to do bicep locks and calf locks.
02 Feb 2005 by judogoat
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New CBJJ rules!
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