Latesst news about PRIDE Champion Fedor Emalyanenko's plans for 2005!
Submitted by: Stanislav Khramov
Posted On 01/21/2005
After his amazing 2004, rumors are everywhere about a potential match between Fedor Emelyanenko and Mirko CroCop, potentiallu in the June 2005 edition of PRIDE.
Fedor's manager Vadim Finkelchtein of RED DEVIL went on record stating 'It's not true because Fedor has not signed any agreements with Pride. Emelyanenko is freelancer at this moment.
Finkelchtein also went on to say 'Fedor is in negotiations to participate in Euphoria MFC's 'Russia vs. USA 2' event in May 2005 (Atlantic City, NJ, USA).
This event looks ready to be broadcast on cable TV in Europe and Russia (by Eurosport channel. Fedor Emelyanenko stated 'After being a guest at the last Euphoria show, it is a good show and I have agreed to fight there. We wil lsee if the details can be worked out. I will be very proud to fight for the Russian team in this event. We hope to receive a good offer from the Euphoria MFC promoters.
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Czyli tak po krótce: Fedor nie podpisał jeszcze nic w sprawie walki z Mirco Cro Copem, czyli jest "wolnym strzelcem" ;-)
Jego menadzer mówi, iż trwają negocjacje na temat jego uczestnictwa w turnieju Euphoria MFC's 'Russia vs. USA 2' Maj 2005 (Atlantic City, NJ, USA). Gala ma być transmitowana przez Eurosport