Q: What do you think about Mirko?
A: One of the best fighters in the world.
Q: If you two fight which tactics will you follow?
A: Thats a secret.
Q: Do you see any danger in fighting Mirko?
A: As far as I consider him one of the best - yes I dee a danger.
Q: Did you expected to see Hunt beating Wanderlei on NYE?
A: I didnt think a lot about this fight.
tłumaczenie z języka rosyjskiego przez pana Ellion z forum nokaut.com
Q: Fedor, did K-1 tried to contact you like they did with some other fighters?
A: Yes, and it tries now as well.
Q: Fedor do you think Sambo can compete with BJJ on the ground?
A: Yes, ofcourse and I think it wont go last.
Q: Do you plan to train with Jerome Le Banner in future? How is his ground game? Will you help him with his ground game?
A: We plan to train together more. Yes ofcourse I will help him in his ground game. For a stand up fighter he feels ground very well.

Q: There are roumors that you hate Mirko and wait for the opportunity to pay back for your brother, is that truth?
A: Thats not truth, I like Mirko.
Q: Who you think is the mosdt dangerous fighter in PRIDE for you?
A: There are many top fighter in PRIDE.
Q: When was the last time you had a street fight? How it all ended?
A: I fight only in ring.
Q: How did you finish the school?
A: A and B
Q: Have you ever fought your brother? How it ended?
A: When he wsa a kid I had to punish him, but now its dangerous for my health.
Q: Have you ever been nokauted?
A: Thanks God, no
Q: Were you a difficult child?
A: Yes
Q: When you started training mma? When sambo? And for how long?
A: From 11 years old started training sambo and judo. In 2000 started mma.
Q: Which was the most difficult fight in your career?
A: With Semmy Schilt. Becasue it was the first one in PRIDE.
Q: What are you thinking to do after your fighting career?
A: As a couch maybe
Q: Is that truth that you dont use wights in your training? (weightlifting)
A: Yes, thats truth
Q: Which is the best strength training?
A: With an opponent and with your own body
Q: Can you describe your ground training?
A: Wrestling, wrestling, wrestling... (*may be translated as fighting, competiting and so on)
Q: What is the distance of your cross running? Do you use any extra weights?
A: Every day its about 14-15 km. I dont use extra weight.
Q: How can you describe your way of fighting?
A: A way of fighting of an MMA fighter.
Q: Do you know any other language except russian?
A: Im learning english
Q: On which place is Russia in the list of the most powerfull countrie in the world?
A: The first ones (*first places)
Q: If Mirko loses to you will you accept a re-match?
A: This is a manager's issue
Q: Is that truth that you dont want to fight Bob Sapp?
A: No, its not
Q: Are you interested in rematch with Tsuyoshi Kosaka?
A: Yes I am, the loss was not counted according the rules
Q: Whats your favorite TV programme?
A: I watch a lot of programmes but not spending a lot of time on it.
Q: Have you seen Pride's Fedor models and Fedor key chain? I don't think they look like you. I think you should demand that they redo those things because all the other Pride models and key chains look very much like the actual fighters
A: There are a lot of opinions. I will think about you suggestion.
Q: In your last interview you said something about exams, what exams were you talin about?
A: Exams in University
Q: Whats your philosofy in living your life?
A: Always remain a human.
Q: Do people recognize you at the steet?
A: Yes, especially in my town and in Japan.
Q: If you will be offered more money will you leave PRIDE?
A: Thast a manager's issue as well

I also translated the rest of the questions which are very intersting as well
Yea, I skipped some stupid questions, and ones which refer to Russia, I mean the ones you wont understand what the hell they are talking about, like russian TV programmes and this kind of stuff.
Q: Mirko in his latest interview said that you are one of the best and that he's going to be the one who will win the champ. What do you think?
A: I don't know him as a human, but as a fighter he is defenitly a high-class one. About the result of the fight we should talk after it happens.
Q: How many fights will be on your 2005 programme?
A: I plan to make 3 fights in 2005, but yet dont know with who. I also think about fighting at Sambo Championships.
Q: Will you arrange some kind of seminar in the capital?
A: For now no, in future maybe in St. Petersburg
Q: Name 3 best fighters
A: Nogueira, Silva, Mirko - in PRIDE and Randy Coture (dont know the spelling)
Q: You have a younger brother, Ivan. Can you tell us something about him?
A: He is into boxing right now. In future he wants to participate in MMA events
Q: Will any fighter from RedDevil participate in 2005 GP?
A: Yes, they will. At the moment they are Andrei Semenov and Amar Suloev.
Q: Is there anyone from your friends that you have thought that he is stronger than you?
A: My bro is not weaker than me, thats for sure, u will see it this 2005 GP.
Q: You are always very calm during your fights, have you studies psycology or something?
A: I always get ready in a proper way, a differnt one, unique way. Now got the expirience which allows me to stay calm and handle it during the whole fight.
Q: Whats your hobby?
A: I love reading and a bit of drawing
Q: Are you interested in becoming UFC champion?
A: Yes, I am
Q: What is your average speed when running on long distances? (km/h)?
A: Its about 8km in 34min
Q: The maximum # of ull ups you can make?
A: I never pull up on maximum but in one speed set its about 25-30
Q: When you became an MMA fighter how did your parents reacted?
A: In 2000 when I moved to MMA my parents were worried and very proud at the same time.
Q: I heard that you repsect Alexandr Karelin. Do you think about becomina a member of parliament as well?
A: At this moment I only think about my apperance in MMA.
Q: What do you think about "old" Russian RINGS fighters?
A: We have one of the best grappling techniques but unfortunately no stand up. If they worked on it on time they would have much more chanses.
Q: In what age do you think to stop your careere?
A: If there won't be injuris I plan to stay as long as I can
Q: I heard that you drink alcohol drinks. Is it common for russian sprotsmen?
A: I don not overmake it. During my preparations for a fight I dont drink at all. Can't talk for the other sportsmen.
Q: What can you say about Takada? As a human and as a fighter?
A: Unfortunately I dont know him as a human. I believe he left not in time, he could leave a bit earlier
Q: Is there many difference in body trainings of a boxer and of mma fighter?
A: Yes there are. Too many to list
Q: What is the interesting part of MMA?
A: Firts of all they show all the sides of ability of a fighter, a huge, broad arsenal of techniques and ofcourse a spectacular fight.
Q: How do you spend your free time?
A: Usually with family and friends.
Q: What music do you listen to?
A: Russian pop
Q: What do you think about being born in Russia?
A: Im proud of it!
Q: There are roumurs that Schilt was much more heavier than you. A fight with him was the only one where you got your face injured so much. Do you feel that Schilt was heavier?
A: A fight with Schilt was my debute
Q: They say that at the end of the fight with Nogueira you were very tired. What do you think?
A: During the whole fight I was attacking and thats why the last 30seconds I felt a bit tired. Eventhough my head was clear.
Q: Do you watch any other MMA videos? Like UFC?
A: Yes I do, taking something from them into consideration
Q: Do you plan to make an instructional video?
A: When I will have more free time I will defenitly do it.
Q: In heavyweight devision there are your brother and Kharitonov. If you fight with them will you give your 100% as usual?
A: I wont fight my borther. As for the other fighters - I laways go for 100%
Q: Will you participate in February's PRIDE?
A: In my fight with Nogueira I injured my finger so I believe I wont participate.
Q: Which martial arts do you think are the best for prepareing a fighter for an MMA fights?
A: Boxing, wrestling
Q: Will you train a younger fighters when you finish your fighting career?
A: Yes, I think so, there are already some proposals
Q: Who is your favorite fighter in MMA? A russian one and a foreign one?
A: Igor Vovchanchyn and Randy Coture