WMC Show
Fight 1 3x3
Modified Thai Rules - 59kg
Mick Little Vs Evan Strikeforce
Winner: Mick Little by points (Blue gloves)
Fight 2 3x3
Modified Thai Rules - 79kg
Rod Starder Vs Robin SMTG
Winner: Robin by points (Red Gloves)
Fight 3 3x3
Modified Thai Rules - Open weight
Rob Suttie Vs Matt Samoa
Winner: Matt Samoa by points (Blue Gloves)
Fight 4 5x3
Full Thai Rules - 53kg
Aaron TS2 Leigh Vs Chris Tiger White
Winner: TS2 by points (Red Gloves)
Fight 5 5x3
Full Thai Rules -79kg
WMC Australian Title Match
Brett Franklin Vs Danny DDD Derdowski
Winner: Danny Derdowski by TKO 2nd round (Red Gloves)
Xplosion Super Fight K-1 Challenge -Oceania VS World -
Super fight 1 3x3
K-1 World GP Match - open weight
Chris Godzilla Chrisopoulides (Greece) Vs Paul Sting Slowinski (Australia)
Winner: Paul Slowinski by points (Blue Gloves)
Super Fight 2 3x3
K-1 Max Match -70kg
Ben Pixie Burton (Australia)Vs Kojiro (Japan)
Winner: Kojiro by points (Red Gloves)
Super Fight 3 4x3
K-1 Hybrid Match 70kg
Ryuji Stealth Goto (Japan) Vs Ian Schaffa (Australia)
Winner: Draw- (This fight was to be declared a draw if there were
no KO's or submissions inside the 4 rounds).
Super Fight 4 3x5
K-1 Romanex Match 70-74kg
George Sitiropoulos (Australia) Vs Marcio Bittencourt (Brazil)
Winner: George Sitiropoulos by rear naked choke (Black shorts)
Super Fight 5 3x3
K-1 World GP Match -open weight
Jason Suttie (New Zealand) Vs Ricardo Van Den Bos (Holland)
Winner: Jason Suttie by points (Blue gloves)
Super Fight 6 3x3
K-1 MAX Match - 74kg
Ramazan Ramazanov (Russia) Vs Shane Choppa Chapman (New Zealand)
Winner: Shane Chapman by points (Blue gloves)
Super Fight 7 3x5
K-1 Romanex Match - open weight
Mal Twin Tiger Foki (Australia) Vs Sehak (Japan)
Winner: Sehak by single arm choke (Red Gloves)
Super Fight 8 3x3
K-1 World GP Match -open weight
Nathan Carnage Corbett (australia) Vs Tomihira (Japan)
Winner: Nathan Corbett by points (Blue Gloves)
Super Fight 9 3x3
K-1 MAX Match -70kg
John Wayne Parr (Australia) Vs Sak Mong Kol (Thailand)
Winner: Sak Mong Kol after two extension rounds