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Wywiad z Silva na Portal do Vale Tudo

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Wywiad z Silva na Portal do Vale Tudo

Q- Was it my impression or you were very calm when you answered the challenge of randy in UFC ?

The guy was smart, he is a polite guy, he looked at me, so I gave him a stare and he smiled and gave me his hand to shake so I shaked it. But that's not the kind of challenge I like ! I like intimidation ! We will just leave it like that until the time we meet !

Q - About the fight with Kondo.

It was a nice fight because it went the way I wanted - standing. I tried to study him and he gave me a few shots, then started connecting my punches until he falled and I started with the stomps.
I gave him 2 stomps and the judge went on to stop the fight, but the guy threatened to get my legs, so I gave him a few more. With me there is no such thing as STOP ! You cannot turn to the judge and say "stop ! Stop !" that's a thing for the fruitcakes ! (smiles) - (this was a joke for the Arona's post fight interview with jackson)

Q- Were u surprised that Kondo accepted to trade with u ?

Actually, he was very macho (brave)! He's experienced with several fights! I give him merit for that ! He didn't try to grab me or something, he just accepted to trade. He has his merits

Q- Teel us about your next fight with Jackson...

That guy is a "soft ass". I'm already prepared for long time to face his style of fighting. He will try to tie the fight, grab me, and bring it to the ground...but I'm ready ! I will surprise him ! If he makes a mistake I'll finish him ! Get ready for a Wandy's surprise ! (maybe he is thinking to submit jackson)

Q- what about your experience in the US at the UFC ?

I was very surprised and glad to see that I'm popular there. I didn't know I had so many fans there. It was super nice to see the reaction of people that were watching UFC.

Q- What u thought about the fight of Randy vs Victor ?

Couture made the only game he knows and Victor tried to defend himself in the 1st round. In the next rounds Victor gave himself up and lost the his spirit. The guys in Brazil even bash me a litle because always said that Victor didn't had the spirit for this kind of big fights, but I was right ! He didn't do anything ! He just layed there getting a beating and than he came up with the headbut excuse. I didn't saw any headbut. That's only an excuse for the weak, for the fruits !

Q- What about the Fedor vs Mino fight ?

That was a strange one with many question marks. The russian looked like a mad man throwing his head to the front all the time. There was an head clash no doubt, but I don't agree with the No Contest. He was winning the fight but he was the guy that couldn't continue, so they should have given the victory to MINO. They should have given the title to Mino.

Q- In the end of the year will we see you facing Cro-Cop ?

I wish that god gives me this one. I'm mad crazy about getting this guy. This time there will not be those special rules and I will crush him. Now I'm preparing for Jackson and in the end of the year they an bring whoever they want ! I don't care !

How are the plans of Chute Boxe for the nd of this year ?

I think that Shogun and Daniel Acácio will fight in the Bushido in September. We are training our guys and we will try to place one in UFC. Dana White ask me to place a Chute Boxe guy in UFC and we are studying who is the guy we will send there. Maybe we will send more than one. maybe we can send Azeredo there for a title shot. Our goal is to place guys in the best events of the world and I hope the guys bring belts for the academy.

Q- U are now sponsored by some companies that a while ago would be unthinkable to imagine that they wanted to see their name connected with a vale tudo fighter. What happened ?

I think that the image of our sport is changing. Just in your site I can see there are already more than 1.5 million people accessing it. People that watched the Olympics could realise how difficult it is to get good results, so they are getting more respect for us. I hope that we are opening the doors for the younger generation. But they have to be carefull to give a good image of our sport. I think the future will be good for MMA, our sport is very exciting to see.

Q- final message for the fans...

I want to thank all my fans and MMA fans too. I access the forums and I read the critics too. I accept the critics and speacialy the praises (smiles). Sometimes people might get me wrong because I speak some things that are not good about some guys, but people need to understand that I'm not talking about my friend, I'm talking about people that want to take my place, and that place is mine !!! I will defend my title and my career with everything I got ! I ask the support of everyone around the world cause I will be fighting only though guys, but I assure the fans That whoever they place in front of me better be aware cause Wandy will be 110 % READY !!!!
Big Cheer to all the fans, and for those that are speaking bad about me in the foruns, they better be aware cause Wandy is watching !!!! (laughs) !"

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uwazajcie... Wandy patrzy! :rofl:
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