przegladałem sobie i natrfiłem na coś takiego :
CPM REX 121 is a new high vanadium cobalt bearing tool steel designed to offer a combination of the highest wear resistance, attainable hardness, and red hardness available in a high speed steel. Its superior red hardness permits higher cutting speeds compared to other high speed steels. Its superior wear resistance (due to the high vanadium content) helps maintain a sharp cutting edge at increased cutting speeds....
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Co to jest red hardness czy to wytrzymałość materiału przy wyskoch temeperaturach?
Red Hardness?
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Re: Red Hardness?
Definition: A term sometimes associated with high speed steel because it has the property of retaining sufficient hardness for cutting metals even when heated to a temperature high enough to cause a dull redness. The tungsten content has a significant influence on this property.
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