The attacker throws the straight left punch to the defensive's face and steps with the left foot forwards while
guarding. The chin with the right fist The defensive sways the body to the left a little in order to escape from the attacker's left punch, at the same time throws the left punch passed through the attacker's guard then turns the body to the right and throws the fight upper cut to the attacker's chin.
The defensive must try to sway the body and shoulder close to the attacker chest.

The attacker throws the left punch and steps the left foot forwards while the right fist guards to chin.
The defensive holds on the left punch and steps the left foot for-wards. When the attacker moves the body in order to throw the straight right punch, the defensive must hurry to use the right fist to grab the attacker's left punch out to the right side of the defen-sive then hurries to throw the right kick to the attacker's chin or uses the front foot to pat on the attacker's face instead of kick to the chin, then swaying the body to the left weight on the tip of the right foot and guards to the chest by holding the both punches on.

The attacker throws the straight left punch and steps forwards while the chin remains guarded by the right fist
The defensive hurries to step the right foot outside the attacker's left foot Raise the left arm to strike the elbow to brush the attacker'left arm. Then hurry to use that speed to move closer to the attacker and enfolds the middle of the body (near the wrest) of the attacker then lift him by the hip to throw his back down to the floor. This action may make the attacker very exhausted or his head may strike to the floor.

The attacker steps forward to the defensive or move in to the body and raise the both elbows in order to strike on the head
The defensive steps for-wards to the attack, raises the lower part of the arm parallel to the floor to defense the both elbows of the attacker and throws the opposite uppercut to the attacker's chin, then steps forwards to follow with the punch.

The attacker jumps to kick at the defensive's chin by the method of throwing up the straight kick with the right foot.
The defensive steps the left foots and jumps to escape from the attacker's right foot. Bends the body to the left side weight on the left foot then hurries to resort the right foot and kicks to back of the knee in order break it.

There are two pits of this trick.
Part one
The defensive prepares to kick the attacker'rib, keeps on the both hands to guard the chin.
The attacker holds the left or the right fist in the front, prepares to throw a kick at the defensive and steps forwards.
Part two
The attacker must step back in order to escape from the defen-sive's kick.
The defensive hurries to turn back quickly by using the foot which had thrown in first for the main standing then turns back to use another foot strikes to the attacker's chin or the top of the chest.

The attacker launches a right kick to the defensive's rib, weight on the left leg and protecting his face with his both hand guards.
The defensive hurries to raise the upper part of the arm to prevent the attacker's kick. Then turns back and raise the left elbow parallel to the floor at the leved of the chin or the face and strikes while turning.

Part one
The attacker kicks to the chin or the temple with the right foot.
The defensive bends the body to pass under the attacker's right foot, which thrown to the neck to the head.
Part two
The attacker kicks with the right foot and misses the target, then the body turned by the straighten of that swinging kick.
The defensive hurries to place the right foot and strikes to the attacker's left knee-joint which makes him fall down.

The attacker throws the left punch to the defensive's face and steps the left foot for wards while holding up the bent right arm to protect the chin
The defensive sways the body to escape from the attacker's left punch and steps the left foot forwards close to the attacker. Turns to the left close too the attacker's chest then throws the both punches up to the attacker's chin (throws the uppercuts to the chin-Mud Soi Dao).

The attacker prepares to strike the left foot to Drag on the abdomen of the defensive or strike the abdomen.
The defensive steps the right foot escaped to out side, Parries the attacker's foot with left hand and pounces on the attacker's in step. Then thrusts a power full kick to the attacker's knee-joint with right foot. Sway the body the right, the weight's on the left foot.
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The attacker kicks the defensive's rib with the right foot, swaying the body while the weight's on the left foot. Holdson the both fists to portect oneself.
The defesive is quick to bend the the body to the right and raises the foot to spun at the attacker's thigh with the heel, the weight's on the defensive's right leg.
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The attacker throws the straight right punch to the defensive's face and steps the left foot forwards while holding on the left punch to guard the chin.
The defensive steps very quickly closed to the attacker's body, Parries away the attacker's right fist with the left fist. At the same time hurry to strike the right elbow passed very close to the ear to the middle of the upper part of the right arm (elbow).
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The attacker throws the straight fist to the defensive's face, steps the left foot forwards and holds on the right fist to guard the chin.
The defensive steps to the attacker bend the body in the attacker's arm. Parries Away the attacker'left arm with the right fist. Then strikes the left elbow to the attacker's chest. Repeats this action many times.
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The attacker kicks with the left foot or stands with both feet.
The defensive walks in forwards and bends the body down to escape from the left foots which kicking pass over the head. Then throws the power full kick with the right foot to the attacker's right instep. If the boxer stands with both feet, kicks to the front leg.
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The attacker kicks with the left foot or stands with both feet.
The defensive walks in forwards and bends the body down to escape from the left foots which kicking pass over the head. Then throws the power full kick with the right foot to the attacker's right instep. If the boxer stands with both feet kicks to the front leg.