Interview with Emelianenko Fedor from Kakutogi Tsuushin.
Translated by Miho.
Question: Look back at the match with Kevin Randleman, he lifted you up and slam you on your head!. You don’t have any damages at all?
Fedor: I don’t have any problem. I’m doin’ fine. My head is clear.
Q: You didn’t hurt your neck?
F: No, it’s ok.....
Q: Corner men of Randleman said you fainted for a few seconds.
F: No I didn’t. I think Kevin knew I didn’t faint. I could react and move.
Q: Hmmm….
F: If I fainted, he would have try to take me, and it might have turn out to be a different result.
Q: Arona (Ricardo) lost his consciousness via throwing in the match against Jackson (Quinton). I was just as thinking as anyone that the same thing happened on you too.
F: I’ve been practicing Sambo and Judo so I’ve got the training to response to those kinds of throwing.
Q: You mean defense training?
F: Right. I do some training of being thrown down from a height. That’s why I could stand it.
Q: You fell to the canvas headforemost!! And also Kevin took a header...
F: Well, I guess I was just lucky (laughs)
Q: Have you ever felt any pain by throwing or striking?
F: Never. I don’t feel pain that much during the game. I’m trying not to care for it.
Q: You’re trying to (laughs) but I think we can not control the feelings like pain or fear. When we are conscious of those feelings, we become more sensitive I think.
F: I’m not trying to get rid of pain or fear from my feelings. I just don’t think about anything, just stand up and face the opponent.
Q: You’ve got into a car accident right?
F: On the way home, back from the training, there is a car coming in the opposite direction and the guy in the car tried to turn left at the crossing. He had to make way for me but he hit my car from the side. The car was crushed.
Q: In spite of such a big accident, you were rescued uninjured from it.
F: I was just lucky.
Q: Were you scared?
F: No
Q: Usually people get scared.
F: I was not frightened.
Q: eh? You are different from other people.
F: I don’t feel any of it.
Q: Do you have any particular things that you don’t like?
F: Nothing. Well if I say the only thing I don’t like is someone who talks with loud voice or scalds others. I feel in a gloomy mood if I am in the situation like that. I hate seeing people yelling at each other and starting arguments. I’m a pacifist so I always bring to an amicable settlement.
Q: But you’re so aggressive in the match (laughs)
F: I’m not given to slander that much. I can handle steadily if we have an argument.
Q: Last time (vs. Mark Coleman) you won by arm lock and for this time as well. I’m looking forward to what techniques we can see in next match.
F: I just use techniques which just flashed into my mind. I don’t have thousands of techniques (laughs)
Q: Hahaha. Do you think Nogueira (Antonio Rodrigo) has thousands of techniques?
F: I don’t think so (laughs) and in fact fighters can use four or five techniques in one match you know.
Q: I would like you to ask about Ogawa before closing the interview. While you were doing Judo, I bet he was like a god to you but honestly what do you think about him as a MMA fighter?
F: As a Judo expert, he is on high level. As for MMA fighter, he is good, but his attitude is a bit of a problem. He doesn’t shake hands or bow before and the end of the match.
Q: What you meant is he doesn’t respect his opponents, right?
F: Right. I recognize his work but I don’t give a credit for his behavior like that.
Q: So you’re not planning to do hustle pose?
F: Nah. I only show you some sophisticated skills. That’s what we call “professional” I think.

Wywiad z Fedorem
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