hmm... sam nie wiem co mam o tym myslec. w sumie jest to bardzo ogolnikowe i w zasadzie nic z tego nie wynika.EUROSPORT-TV-TRANSMISSION of the Masters Fight Night in 54 Countries!
Good news for the German MMA Scene! The MMA/Kickboxing Fights of the Masters Fight Night will be transmitted of EUROSPORT, the biggest Sports TV Transmitter in Europe! With over 250 million spectators in 95 million houses is EUROSPORT the number 1. and from Moscow to Marrokko can it be received in 54 countries. Altogether in 18 languages the program is radiated. Originally a LIVE Transmission was planned, which was amended however now in favor of a recording... read more:
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dlatego mam prosbe. jak ktos tylko dowie sie czegos bardziej konkretnego (data, godzina), to niech szybko wali tutaj info.