Niemiecki Top Team
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• Chute Boxe Representative Mario Stapel
• Shooto Japan Veteran Daniel Weichel
• ADCC Veteran and Luta Livre Black Belt Andreas Schmidt
• BJJ Black Belt Michael Haselein
• "Ultimate Submission Showdown"- and ADCC Veteran Peter Angerer
• German SHIDO Grand Prix Champion Franco De Leonardis
• UGC Champions Daniel Ackermann and Björn Friedrich
• Fighters from all major german fight teams and many many others.
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Shidokan Germany will create a "German Top Team" with Fighters from all around Germany in March 2004. So far the Team has contact to various Grappling and MMA Champions, e.g.:
• Chute Boxe Representative Mario Stapel
• Shooto Japan Veteran Daniel Weichel
lista nieaktualna. (Angerer sie pospieszyl)
Mario i Daniel nie zgodzili sie na wspolprace z GTT i beda nadal walczyc dla Shoot Boxen Deutschland.
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Ja tam nie wiem .. jestes blizej tego wszystkiego. Podaje co ktos podrzuci.
Tak wiec mea culpa.. nie wiedzialem. 8O
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Ja tam nie wiem .. jestes blizej tego wszystkiego. Podaje co ktos podrzuci.
Tak wiec mea culpa.. nie wiedzialem. 8O
Hej, iziii... nic sie nie stalo... :wink:
A bylo to tak...
Angerer wyslal maila do Mario z info o powstaniu teamu (w tym momencie na liscie bylo jeszcze zero ludzi), a Mario odpisal mu: "hej - fajny pomysl... gratuluje, yyy... eee... ooo... bla, bla bla - jak zalatwisz jakies fajne walki za dobre pieniadze, to kto wie...?" (zadnych konkretnych obietnic, umow etc)
Angerer "nieco opacznie" zrozumial odpowiedz Maria i blyskawicznie wrzucil nazwiska Maria i Daniela na liste i opublikowal ja.
Mario wkurwil sie "szybkoscia Angerera" i sprostowal - napisal, ze ani on ani Daniel nie beda walczyc dla GTT i ze wrecz przeciwnie - Daniel bardzo ucieszylby sie z walki z Angererem.
I na tym stanelo.
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Daniel Ackermann -65 kg (Mainz): BJJ and Submission Wrestling Champion, twotime European Champion Submission Wrestling at the UGC
Peter Angerer -76 kg (Nürtingen): ADCC-Veteran 2001, Semi-Finalist of the "Ultimate Submission Showdown" of the Gracie Family 2003, former SHIDO MMA Middleweight Champion (lost his title against Shonie Carter last April by decision), twotime European Vice-Champion Submission Wrestling in the Absolute Class, listed in the MMA Fighters Directory in Japan
Mihaljo Mihnjak -83 kg (Balingen): Shooto Holland Veteran, Freefight Veteran, 2nd Place at the UGC 2003 in Submission Fighting
Robert Faryi -76 kg (Mainz): European Champion Submission Wrestling UGC 2003 (beat Shooto Japan Veteran Daniel Weichel in the finals)
Achim Lausecker -91 kg (Mainz): multiple Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling Champion, Vale Tudo Veteran
Andreas Schmidt -87 kg (Köln): Luta Livre Black Belt, sixtime European Champion Submission Wrestling UGC, ADCC Veteran 2001, Shooto Brazil Veteran, listed in the MMA Fighters Directory in Japan
Franco De Leonardis -70 kg (Hanau): German Grand Prix Champion SHIDO MMA 2003, Nr. 1 in the SHIDO World Rankings
Martin Ochs -89 kg (Nürtingen): 2 Hot 2 Handle Veteran Holland, "Nuit des Gladiateurs de Ring" Winner in France, Ultimate Combat Veteran England
Frank Löhle -83 kg (Nürtingen): 2 Hot 2 Handle Veteran Holland, Winner at "Fists of Fury 2" 2003
Andreas Beckert -72,5 kg (Villingen-Schwenningen): Winner of the International SHI KON Thaiboxing Grand Prix 2003 with wins over Massimiliano Constanzi (Italy) and Aziz Araiba (Belgium)
Philipp Schade -70 kg (Freudenstadt): Runner Up in the European SHIDO MMA Grand Prix, Runner Up in the German SHIDO MMA Grand Prix
Andreas Stockmann -80 kg (Ulm): European Vale Tudo Champion, European Jiu-Jitsu Champion, President of the "Free Fight Association Germany"
On March 21st the GTT will host the first Open Training in the Luta Livre Academy in Kerpen-Thürnich under Luta Livre Black Belt Andreas Schmidt under attendance of the german press and our new official team sponsors. The official Website of the GTT ([link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]) will launch at the end of March with detailed bios of all of our fighters, video clips from fights, pictures, news etc.
Sincerely Yours,
Bruno-Herve Rico
Owner and Manager of GTT
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