Sanda 2003 competition clip
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moze jeszcze ktos wiem jak do sciagnac na twardziela?
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Prawym przyciskiem go...
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jak to znalzles nie bylo tego w zrodle?
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jak to znalzles nie bylo tego w zrodle?
W zrodle byla tylko nazwa pliku. Znaczy sie, plik byl polozony w tym samym miejscu, co strona - inaczej musiala by byc jakas sciezka do niego. W koncu twoja przegladarka tez musi skads wiedziec, skad pobrac plik. Adres strony byl w polu do wpisywania adresu w przegladarce internetowej... Z adresu strony pobierasz sciezke, ze zrodla strony nazwe pliku i voila...
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no dobra, Haggax nie pije, to na herbate

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Tak jak myslalem...Bardzo cienki kickboxing... :?
Kenjiro zgadza sie to chinski kick boxing nazywa sie sanda, ,mozna rzucac jak widac na filmach, poziom coz niektorzy na tym clipie moimzdaniem sa niezli ale sanda specjalizuje sie raczej w rzutach bo dostaje sie za nie 3 punkty a nie w kopaniu czy uderzaniu...
poza tym mam taka mala dygresje poniewaz komentujesz naokraglo wszytsko dookola i raczej powiedzialbym krytykujesz wszystkich i wszystko poza tym co cwiczysz to kiedy bedziemy mieli szanse na clip z Toba roli glownej zebysmy mogli pasc z zachwytu na kolana i plakac ile to lat zmarnowylismy....
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Po prostu w wielu watkach przewijal sie temat dwutorowosci treningu w chinskich i nie tylko sztukach walki...Formy i techniki sobie a potem walka to i tak kickboxing...Tylko po co wtedy cwiczyc te inne rzeczy???
Twierdze dalej iz sredniej klasy kickboxer dokopalby wiekszosci zgromadzonych na zawodach swiatowych sanda zawodnikom...
Tylko nie rozumiem co to ma ze mna i z moimi umiejetnosciami wspolnego? Nie napisalem ze Tomasz jest cinki i to co robi jest chalowate...
Wyrazilem swoja opinie i tyle...
A co do Twojej drugiej czesci - to pewnie tyle ze nie na klipie ale moze kiedys sie spotkami w realu i wtedy bedziesz mial okazje przekonac sie o moich umiejetnoscicach w walce, a ja o Twoich ... :twisted:
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Pokaz mi gdzie to ja krytykuje wszystko i wszystkich....
forum o walce nozem:)
po prostu masz taki styl pisania ktory moze nieco denerwowac nawet jezeli masz racje :wink:
Po prostu w wielu watkach przewijal sie temat dwutorowosci treningu w chinskich i nie tylko sztukach walki...Formy i techniki sobie a potem walka to i tak kickboxing...Tylko po co wtedy cwiczyc te inne rzeczy???
Keoniro nie wiem jak koledzy i dlaczego to robia ale ja wiem dlaczego ja robie moje formy wiec ja robie bo to taki trenign areobowo, kondycyjno-koordynacyjny i ok zostaly one stworzone tak abu przypominaly sztuki walki i maja tam jakies zastosowania ale w wiekszosci przypadkow tak proste ze mozna zaskoczyc nimi tylko zupelnego lamera

widzisz w moich formach no nie ma ani jednego razu powrotu reki do biodra

wiesz to sa tak zwane metody naturalnego treningu gdzie masz cwiczyc rotacje bioder, dziwne poruszanie sie tak aby wycwiczyc cialo w jedna calosc i machanie tylko tego niw przeklada sie na walke powiem wiecej masz pozniej okreslone formy ktore machasz z ciezarami w odpowiedni sposob i budujesz sile, masz takie co rozwijaja np koordynacje, szybkosc itd itd
problem polega na tym ze w wiekszosc krajow a w naszym na pewno instruktorzy maja poziom jak po 3-6 miesiacach treningu w chinach oczywiscie oni o robia o wiele lepiej niz CI co tylko pocwiczyli te 6 miechow ciaglego cwiczeniw chinach bo nasi instruktorarzy machaja to przez caly czas tworczo ale oni sie nie rozwijaja i wydaja im sie ze ti juz jakis poziom a nawet z zerowki jeszcze nie wyszli
cala pozniej zabawa w sparingie i okreslone metody treningowe ich ominala bo nigdy do niej nie dotrwali wiec z stylow mocno tradycyjnych to mysle ze jak bedzie w W-wie to mozesz sprobowac zlapac kogos z mocniej zawaansowanych modliszkowcow i oni Ci pokaza jak wygalada tradycyjny trening walki bo jak tylko pojdziesz do Dachenga to znow powiesza ze to kickboxing i nic poza tym :wink:
wiec powiesz pewnie to pochelere machac te formy jezeli na silownie mozna posc albo plywalnie itd toz niektorzy lubia takie motedy treningowe i one naprawde cos daja jaK sie je robi prawidlowo ale nie zastepuja one sparingow i calej motyryki i cwiczen do walki
Twierdze dalej iz sredniej klasy kickboxer dokopalby wiekszosci zgromadzonych na zawodach swiatowych sanda zawodnikom...
alez to sa mistrzostwa amatorow

w PEkinie w grudniu odbyly sie walki sredniej klasy a moze nawet i wyzszej klasy kickboxerow reprezentujacych IKF USA i przerzneli oni wszytskie walki z tymi kiepskimi kickboxerami z Chin bo oni rzucali nimi jak chcieli

jak chcesz do dam Ci szczegolowe info
Tylko nie rozumiem co to ma ze mna i z moimi umiejetnosciami wspolnego? Nie napisalem ze Tomasz jest cinki i to co robi jest chalowate...
alez tomasz jest cienki i wcale tego nie ukrywa

tomasz zdaniem jego instruktora to leniwe bydle marnujace talnet i w dodatku tepe po weekendach

Wyrazilem swoja opinie i tyle...
A co do Twojej drugiej czesci - to pewnie tyle ze nie na klipie ale moze kiedys sie spotkami w realu i wtedy bedziesz mial okazje przekonac sie o moich umiejetnoscicach w walce, a ja o Twoich ... :twisted:
jak potwierdza coponiektorzy co mnie spotkali ja bardzo chetnie spotykam sie i wymieniam tym co mam zaoferowania z innymi bo tak mnie uczy moj nauczyciel i jakby Matt lub ktos z KI pojawil sie w pekinie to ja bym od razu pobiegl na seminarium ale jakos przyjechac nie chca :?
problem polega na tym ze nie lubie ludzi ktorzy chca na sile ambicjonalnie udowadniac swoja wyzszosc lub systemu ktory reprezentuja bo zawsze zle to sie konczy bo zazwyczaj kontuzja albo z mojej albo ich strony wiec po co mi to.....
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PEkinie w grudniu odbyly sie walki sredniej klasy a moze nawet i wyzszej klasy kickboxerow reprezentujacych IKF USA i przerzneli oni wszytskie walki z tymi kiepskimi kickboxerami z Chin bo oni rzucali nimi jak chcieli
jak chcesz do dam Ci szczegolowe info
Bardzo chetnie, najlepiej jakis link do clipow w sieci...

problem polega na tym ze nie lubie ludzi ktorzy chca na sile ambicjonalnie udowadniac swoja wyzszosc lub systemu ktory reprezentuja bo zawsze zle to sie konczy bo zazwyczaj kontuzja albo z mojej albo ich strony wiec po co mi to.....
Alez ja nie chce prowadzic wojny stylowej, zle mnie zrozumiales...
Styl jest niewazny - licza sie umiejetnosci w walce - czy to bez broni czy z nia...
Takze pozdrawiam
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Po prostu w wielu watkach przewijal sie temat dwutorowosci treningu w chinskich i nie tylko sztukach walki...Formy i techniki sobie a potem walka to i tak kickboxing
Tylko, że to zupelnie inne zagadnienie, nie mające dokladnie nic wspólnego z mistrzostwami świata w san shou (sanda).
...Tylko po co wtedy cwiczyc te inne rzeczy???
Chińscy zawodnicy san shou (sanda) nie ćwiczą innych rzeczy. Cały trening jest podporządkowany przygotowaniu do zawodów w tej formule. Z punktu widzenia wyczynu sportowego, przecież tylko w taki sposób można osiągać sukcesy na zawodach największej rangi. Małe szanse będzie mial ktoś trenujący caly czas pod ulicę, musząc myśleć podczas zawodów o powstrzymywaniu tego, co mu "weszło w krew", a nie mający rozpracowanych w takim stopniu możliwości wynikających ze specyfiki danego regulaminu. Mniejsze szanse będzie miał też ktoś ćwiczący na co dzień pod kątem innego regulaminu.
Twierdze dalej iz sredniej klasy kickboxer dokopalby wiekszosci zgromadzonych na zawodach swiatowych sanda zawodnikom...
Na czyich regułach? Na regułach san shou? Gdyby za super akcje dostawał mniej punktów niż gość od sanda za badziewiaste, ale wyżej punktowane wedlug regulaminu san shou? Gdyby nie mógl pójść serią na głowę, tylko po pierwszym czystym wejściu myśleć, jaki tu kurna rzut zrobić, żeby móc znów zająć się głową? (mieli ten przepis zmienić, ale nie śledzilem, czy już to nastąpiło). Określony regulamin sportowy, i trening przygotowujący do zwycięstwa w ramach tego regulaminu. To tylko sportowe san shou. W 2012 może juz na olimpiadzie (jeszcze jedno WTF taekwondo

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Ja widzialem to co kiedys na discovery bylo o sandzie...I ten czlowieczek co walczyl cwiczyl zupelnie jak kick czy thaibokserzy...
I tylko tyle...
A co maja wspolnego takie przygotowania a przygotownia na "ulice" jak to nazwales...? A no to ze jak dochodzi do walki to i tak wyglada ona (w przyblizeniu) bardziej jak takie sanda niz techniki i formy, ktore sa "pod ulice"...I tylko o to mi chodzi, o nic wiecej....

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Natomiast z modliszką w Warszawie to jest bardzo dobra rada. Można zobaczyć, że wcale nie walczą jak sobie większość ludzi wyobraża "zastosowanie technik i form", a jednocześnie ich sposób walki jest bardzo ściśle związany z tym czego ich uczą formy. Ale to naprawdę nie ma nic wspólnego z tymi 90%, którzy rzeźbią swoje fantazje na temat kung-fu.
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China Takes Home IKF Gold!
Sunday December 7th, Beijing, China
IKF Headquarters, USA: With an event like this there is so much to say it's hard to determine where to start. This was suppose to be an event that would be hard to deal with and have questionable bout decisions. Several warned us of all the issues and problems we were sure to face and how China would never care what the IKF and America had to say... Well, we need to inform everyone, all this turned out to be wrong.
We cannot say enough about how the officials of the Chinese Wushu Association cared what the IKF had to say. As for the internal or behind the scenes aspects of the event it was "VERY" successful, which is not often the outcome of co-sanctioned events today. What made the event itself run smooth was the many hours the Chinese Wushu Association officials and IKF Officials spent behind closed doors discussing the official rules that would be used for the three IKF World title bouts which were also for Chinese Wushu Association titles. Although some may have thought the hours spent discussing the various differences in San Shou rules was too long, it was this time that was used productively that made for such a smooth running successful "LIVE" TV event that reached out to over 30 million viewers throughout China and was a host to over 10,000 excited fight fans at the arena.
Due to the details covered in the rules meetings there were no problems or issues throughout the night. In the end, everyone was pleased not only by the rules that were agreed upon but all the nights officials who had great respect for each other. This was a true team effort among all with all doing their part to make the event a success. With that being said, lets move to the second part of this story.
Before we give the decisions of the bouts, we need to first educate those readers who may not be familiar with "San Shou" style scoring. In San Shou, the judges use 2 "Clickers". One for each fighter. On these clickers the judges click score the points they see each fighter scoring in a round. The scores are between one to five points which are awarded for throws and certain "Clean landed punches and kicks". Strikes landing while both fighters are toe to toe and in an even exchange slugfest sort of say, or in a clinch of any kind are not counted as points. This is a key issue to the scoring and outcome of the bouts in any San Shou match. After one round, it would not be uncommon to see a score as low as 2-1 if few clean shots were landed or very few throws were scored successfully. On the flip side of this, it would also not be uncommon to see a score of something like 30-25 if a lot of clean shots were landed or there were several successful throws scored. Regardless of these "Scored" points, the fighter with the most points at the end of the round will receive a score of "1" and the other a score of "0". So, at the end of a match, the final score could be something like 5-0 which indicates one fighter won all 5 rounds while the other won none. A 3-2 score would of course indicate one fighter won 3 rounds and the other 2. Total scores less than 5 (Ex: 3-1) would indicate a draw round between both fighters, in which case neither fighter receives a point. With that being said, lets get to the stories and the event results. As you read you will see that all three of these bouts were very close as related in the round scores.
Although everyone, (IKF and all fighters and trainers) agreed 100% with the outcome of every bout, the only question we had was how the judges were scoring on their clickers. Following true San Shou rules the judges were instructed in the officials meeting to only score the kicks and punches that were clear shots. Although "Even Exchanges" where both fighters were landing strike after strike (Equal countering) as in a brawl, and strikes landed while the fighters were in a clinch (Knees & punches) did damage to each fighter physically, they did not count as points on the judges clickers. This changed the actual "Strike" scoring greatly. It meant unlike boxing or other styles of kickboxing, even though one fighter may be pounding on the other on the inside game, unless he dropped his opponent, there would be no points scored from any of his/her strikes, even the knee strikes, since these of course were done in the clinch. Although all agreed on how the bouts would be scored in the rules meetings (Traditional San Shou Scoring), this style of scoring/judging made for plenty of questions and discussions about the scoring/judging of San Shou bouts in the future. Due to this style of scoring/judging it also made the judges final scores look awkward when we would see scores like 2-1 instead of the scores determined by current IKF San Shou scoring rules, which give points for ANY strike in a clinch as well as in an even exchange. With this being said, you will see that even though all the fighters scored on strikes throughout their bouts, very few points were awarded for those strikes. So lets get to the nights action in their bout order...
IKF Pro San Shou
Light Welterweight
In the first IKF World Title fight of the night, Han Yuzhu (Left) of China faced off against Fernando Calleros (Right ) of El Paso, Texas USA.
We need to say, Calleros had never looked better. He came in on weight and was ripped, lean and cut! This was truly a "NEW" Fernando Calleros. However, it's too bad we didn't see him in any other rule style other than San Shou. Calleros appeared to be the far more aggressive fighter in round 1. He appeared to press the bout and score with great speed of his hands and feet. However, when the judges cards came to the master score table, we started to understand just how "Traditional San Shou" scoring works. Two of the Chinese judges scored the round 2-1 and 3-1 for Yuzhu while the USA judges (Who was more use to the IKF San Shou scoring that has always been done) had it 3-2 for Calleros. We thought Calleros landed far more punches and kicks and were expecting to see scores more like 15-10 for Calleros, but the low scores, especially only 1 point given to Calleros by both China judges had us worried about the nights scoring ahead.
This only got worse for Calleros in this bout because in the first 4 rounds, one China judge only gave him 1 point per round while the other went as far as giving him a "0" in 2 of the first 4 rounds with "1" scores in the other 2. In our opinion there was no way Calleros didn't score a single point in these rounds so we wonder what this judge had on his mind. On the flip side of the coin though, although we didn't feel Calleros was being awarded enough points, we also thought Yuzhu should have been awarded more points too. Yuzhu clearly out played Calleros in rounds 2-5. We say out "PLAYED" because as we watched each bout, they appeared to be more of a chess game than a fight. Not to say these fighters were not throwing all they had to offer and bangin like fighters do! They were! It's just that these bouts were won more on simple techniques, not power. Calleros had strong punches but the slick movement of Yuzhu forced him to miss and in his forward motion the two would consistently tie up.
In the clinch Calleros and Yuzhu exchanged some good knees and hands, but remember, these were not scored points. Yuzhu won these rounds not by any dynamic throws. Heck, there were "NO" great throws in any of the bouts, NONE! Only slips that brought a fighter to the ring floor. We saw on Calleros face what we were to see on Marinoble and Fujihira's face later... The look of confusion and frustration. NOT because they were not throwing quick and powerful strikes, not because of what they didn't do to their opponents but instead, what their opponents did to them. Simply put, they were out played in a specialized style of fighting and the Chinese fighters were "EXCELLENT" in their movement both offensively and defensively.
This round changed a bit, with the awarding of points at least, where Calleros was awarded 2 points by one and 4 points by the other Chinese judge and 4 by the USA judge. However Yuzhu clearly dominated this round and scored 14 from the USA judge but only 4 from each China judge. This was Yuzhu shining round. He didn't rest knowing he had controlled the first 4 rounds, he showed his passion and desire to prove to the world he was the best and deserved to wear the IKF Gold! He out foxed Calleros on nearly every exchange and had little problem doing so. It was clear this was Yuzhu night, but more so, this was "HIS" game. In the end he took home the IKF Gold with a skillful performance to become the first IKF Champion in China. he defeated Calleros by unanimous decision, 5 rounds to 0 on one of the Chinese judges cards, 4 rounds and a draw round on the other judges score card and 3 rounds to 2 on the USA judges card. But the night was just beginning for China...and they had plans to strike Gold again and again...
IKF Pro San Shou
Super Middleweight
Bao Ligao (Left) of China faced off against Dave Marinoble (Right,) of Roseville, California USA. This was the most talked about match-up of the night. Marinoble had recently beat IKF Pro San Shou World Champion Rudi Ott in a non title bout to avenge his loss to Ott when Ott won the IKF title.
However Marinoble did not beat Ott using true San Shou skill. This is not meant to be an insult to Marinoble, just a fact he even admits. He beat Ott by stopping him from using any San Shou techniques on him. Marinoble had planned for a "Throw defense strategy" against Ott which worked to perfection, one he had probably planned to use against Ligao. But Ligao was a far more experienced fighter than both Ott and Marinoble put together and he proved so from the first round on.
We can't really pin-point what it was that made Ligao look like the one who controlled this bout but we do know it happened in round 1. Although Marinoble knew Ligao was a southpaw (left handed) fighter, he wasn't able to fight an effective outside game plan against him. Marinoble was doing what he had planned, but Ligao seemed to have the answer for every move he made. It was another game of chess as was Calleros' bout and again, USA was looking for the right move on a confusing chess board.
As Marinoble would charge in, Ligao stopped him with either a good side kick to his body or a straight left. Regardless whatever it was, it forced Marinoble to consistently re-think his strategy as the fight wore on. With Ligao's effective counters on Marinoble's charge, Marinoble was left with little outside game. When Marinoble was able to get inside, Ligao would wrap over his arms which stopped Marinoble from punching effectively. Still Marinoble was able to land some good body shots and uppercuts but of course none of them counted as points (only damage) since the fighters were tied up.
Marinoble avoided most of Ligao's takedowns but was unable to score throw points on him. When Marinoble would start to fall from Ligao's throw attempts, he would hold Ligao along for the ride, nullifying any point. Regardless, it was the few Ligao did score that made the difference in this bout. It was a close bout with the chess master, Ligao winning on points. On the judges cards, Ligao defeated Marinoble by unanimous decision 5 rounds to 0 on one of the Chinese judges score card while the other Chinese judge scored it 4 rounds with one round a draw. The USA judge scored it 4 rounds to 1 for Ligao.
IKF Pro San Shou
Light Cruiserweight
Liu Hailong of China (Left) and Eduardo Fujihira (Right) of Brazil were the featured Main Event of the night. The true favorite was China Superstar Liu Hailong. Hailong looked like the master fighter out of a hollywood movie. He had the stare and the look and more so, he has the true fighting skills of a real fighting champion. After fighting, we won't be surprised if we see him kickin up the big screen with the likes of other China Martial Arts Action film stars.
Hailong's opponent, Eduardo Fujihira had been put forward by the most famous San Shou fighter in the World, Cung Le and the first fighter who was suppose to be fighting Hailong, Scott Sheeley. Both Sheeley and Le thought Fujihira was the best chance of defeating Hailong. Fujihira had already impressed many in the San Shou world but there were a few who doubted his skills too saying he had not had enough pro experience to face Hailong. Regardless of what everyone thought, it was time to "Walk the Walk" and see who would take home the IKF Gold.
In round 1, Fujihira appeared more than just enough to hang with Hailong. In fact, the power he was throwing on his punches looked like he may even have a chance at a knockout. He wasn't just throwing a couple, he was coming with the heat a lot! To us, Fujihira clearly won round 2 by a large margin but not according to both Chinese judges who scored it 3-2 each for Hailong while the USA judge scored it 7-3 for Fujihira. His punches looked fast and powerful yet few landed and those that did were answered back with something from Hailong. As rounds 1 and 2 played out, the thoughts of a knockout for Fujihira by anyone may have been wishful thinking. Hailong, like the other Chinese fighters was able to slip Fujihira's punches enough to either back away or tie him up inside. At the end of round 2 the match looked to be more of a strength and endurance game instead of the previous skill game as the other two bouts. but don't let these words fool you, "SKILL" played an important part from here to the end...
At the end of round 3, Fujihira looked tired. His eyes seemed to droop and he just wasn't on. He seemed to be so tired he just stopped moving around the ring and simply took Hailong on toe to toe, a mistake he paid for over and over again. His lack of movement allowed Hailong to catch him flat-footed and score with strikes and sweeps as well as a few kicks and punches. Was it possible Fujihira had punched himself out in the first 2 rounds? Possible yes, but we can't say for sure. All we knew was that from round 3 on, this was all Hailong, at least he made it look that way. Again as in the previous two bouts, there were no dynamic throws but Hailong, like the other Chinese fighters simply stepped to the side and past Fujihara by as he fell to the canvas, frustrated and tired.
As rounds 4 and 5 went by there was no question who won this bout. Hailong showed why he is one of China's best in the style of San Shou and added to his trophy case and resume, IKF San Shou World Champion as he defeated Fujihira by unanimous decision, 5 rounds to none on both the Chinese judges *score cards while the USA judge gave Fujihira one round and another a draw with the remaining 3 to Hailong.
(*) At the head judges table, the chief China Wushu Association judge saw round 2 the same way we had, or at least partly. So much that he elected to 'change' the scores of both of the Chinese judges who had given the round to Hailong. He changed the score to 4-2 in favor of Fujihira on one judges card and 3-3 on the other. Although this was gracious of him to do for Fujihira, we (IKF) do not over-rule bout judges at ringside and although they changed it on their master score cards, we choose not to change it on the IKF Master Score sheets so we left it as scored by the judges. Our only worry at the time was hoping this question mark of scoring wouldn't create an issue at the end of the bout. But it never even came close to being an issue.
Many had thought the China fighters would throw all three of their opponents around like wet noodles, this was not to be true at all. The China fighters won by doing what they had to do and it was not by dynamic throws, but by slight shifts of their bodies to miss attacks and leave their opponents striking air, tied up in a clinch or on the ring floor. We never saw any fighter totally dominating their bout, but we did see a clear control of the bouts by all three of the China fighters. No one dominated in the "Power" game because from what we saw none of the fighters were ever hurt with any strikes. The China fighters simple fought and won with superior skill and technique and as someone said when we were there, "They knew how to score the points in San Shou." It was a great show of expert skill by the Chinese fighters against fighters who were more experienced in another styles of the fighting sports. This was no fault of the Chinese fighters or an excuse for the other fighters, it was simply a fact, they were out played. They were chess games to watch, not brawls with devastating blows where you would see several standing 8 counts. In fact, there wasn't a single standing 8 count in any of the three bouts.
The China fighters knew this game, this style, and proved it in every possible way keeping all their opponents frustrated, off balance, and questioning what they could do. Nothing seemed to work for them as desired let alone planned. This is no disrespect or down talk of Marinoble, Calleros or Fujihira, it's just that on this night, they met their match. None of them were "Beat up," but they were clearly out-skilled and out pointed in a game the China fighters knew well. This was China's night to shine with Gold, and they did so proudly in front of millions of their fans. We will surly see them again, maybe even some re-matches here. There are so many to praise here for such a great event. From the promoter, Dr. Yong Yao to all those of the Chinese Wushu Association and the "MANY" in between, you all deserve applause from the San Shou and kickboxing fans around the world. Our hat is tipped to all of you for being such gracious hosts and showing the world what real San Shou is like, played on a fair and remarkable stage. As for all the fighters, all of you "Walked the Walk" and we are proud of all of you in both victory and defeat.
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Twierdze dalej iz sredniej klasy kickboxer dokopalby wiekszosci zgromadzonych na zawodach swiatowych sanda zawodnikom...
zalezy na jakich zasadach czy kicka czy san shou , choc to własciwie obojetne bo ja gorszy od srednich kickbokserów w polsce sie nie czuje, w swojej wadze i jesli wypowiedzi opierasz o program na discovery gdzie o sandzie było z 30 min to nie dziwne ze tak uwazasz wpadnij kiedys na zawody zobaczysz jak to wyglada moze zmienisz zdanie :wink:
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Ja chciałem tylko dodać jako ciekawostkę że mój kumpel co był nawet mistrzem europy w kickboxie w swojej wadze , poszedeł na nasze mistrzostwa polski w San Shou (czyli Sanda :-) ) i zajoł 1 miejsce. Troche to dziwne bo walczył na ich zasadach a i tak wygrał ...
To chyba samo świadczy o poziomie Sandy w Polsce , ale w żadnym wypdaku nie sądze że na świecie jest kiepski (głównie myślę o Chinach) i wątpie że z takim Chińczykie dałby sobie radę jakikolwiek kickboxer.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
tomasz z grubsza wyjaśnił jak się mają formy do walki. Niestety 90% instruktorów kung-fu ma na ten temat wyobrażenia przedszkolaka.
Natomiast z modliszką w Warszawie to jest bardzo dobra rada. Można zobaczyć, że wcale nie walczą jak sobie większość ludzi wyobraża "zastosowanie technik i form", a jednocześnie ich sposób walki jest bardzo ściśle związany z tym czego ich uczą formy. Ale to naprawdę nie ma nic wspólnego z tymi 90%, którzy rzeźbią swoje fantazje na temat kung-fu.
Kurczę to już tylko modliszka próbuje walczyć tradycyjnie. Ale na poważnie jeśli ktoś ćwiczy formy a walczy jak san shou to znaczy że traci swój czas. Ale nie jest to domena tylko polskich niedouczonych instruktorów tak jest na całym świecie w tym także niestety i w Chinach. Oczywiście nie można generalizować nie wszyscy są be.
Jako zły przykład podam zawody modliszki w Qingdao z 1999 roku gdzie walczono w napięstnikach i większość chińczyków walczyła jak w san shou. Honor tradycyjnej modliszki trzymał nasz brat (nie tylko w kung fu ale także od piwka) Brendan z Australii. Niestety sędziowi go wykosili bo wykonał technikę na leżącym przeciwniku. Według regulaminu było to ponoć dozwolone. Ale takie zachowanie nie jest niczym niezwykłym w Chinach.
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