Jednak 40 godzin to WYMYSŁ. Przykładowo Amerykanie (Marines) mają ilość godzin przypadającą na poszczególne pasy:
(1) Tan Belt
(a) Prerequisites - None.

© Sustainment hours - 7.
Co daje 34,5 godziny. Jest to PIERWSZY stopień - który nie pozwala żołnierzom na użycie w akcji tych umiejętności (muszą umieć znacznie więcej).
(2) Gray Belt - Introduction to intermediate fundamentals
of each discipline. Gray Belt is the minimum training goal for
all Aviation Combat and Combat Service Support Marines.
MCO 1500.54A
16 Dec 02
(a) Prerequisites - Recommendation of Reporting
Senior; complete Tan Belt Sustainment and Integration Training;
complete MCI 03.3 Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership.

© Sustainment hours - 14.
Szary pas - MINIMALNE wymagania dla oddziałów wsparcia powietrznego. Czyli 34,5 godziny + (29 + 14 godzin) - w sumie 77,5 godzin treningów!
(3) Green Belt - Intermediate fundamentals of each
discipline. Green Belt is the minimum training goal of all noninfantry
ground combat arms Marines.
(a) Prerequisites - Recommendation of Reporting
Senior; complete Gray Belt Sustainment and Integration Training;
Lance Corporal or above; appropriate level PME complete.

© Sustainment hours - 21.
Zielony pas -MINIMALNE wymaganie dla sił lądowych - nie piechoty. Czyli 77,5 + 51 = 128,5 godzin treningów!
(4) Brown Belt - Introduction to advanced fundamentals of
each discipline. Brown Belt is the minimum training goal (rank
appropriate) of all infantrymen.
(a) Prerequisites - Recommendation of Reporting
Senior; complete Green Belt Sustainment and Integration Training;
Corporal or above; appropriate level PME complete. Commanding
General, Training and Education Command (CG, TECOM (C 46)) may
waive the grade requirement for exceptionally qualified LCpls who
possess superior leadership skills and maturity, and hold a Black
Belt in a MCMAP approved civilian martial art. A listing of
MCMAP approved martial arts is available at reference (


© Sustainment hours - 28.
Brązowy pas - MINIMALNE wymaganie dla sił lądowych - piechoty. Czyli 128,5 + 63 = 191 godzin treningów!
(5) Black Belt 1st Degree - Advanced fundamentals.
(a) Prerequisites - Recommendation of Reporting
Senior; complete Brown Belt Sustainment and Integration Training;
Sergeant or above; appropriate level PME complete.

© Sustainment hours - 35.
Czarny pas - 191 + 69,5 = 260,5 godzin treningów!