Ciekaw jestem czy znacie (pytanie do Combata przede wszystkim
Oj znam - b. fajny podręcznik. Zwłaszcza podoba mi się użycie garroty w rodziale Special Techniques. Szkoda że brak tam w ogóle parteru - ale to jeszcze nie ta epoka :wink:
P.S. Z tego co spojrzałem to bardzo ciekawy materiał, bardziej mi się podoba niż FM'y, np. są po koleji zdjęcia ruchu w danej pozycji, oznaczenia kierunków strzałkami, opis słowny punkt po punkcie poszczególnych ruchów.
Bo FM-y są RACZEJ dla trenerów - dla przypomnienia - podobnie MCRP-302B - to także materiały nie do nauki.
Zreszą ten podręcznik też:
"5. This publication is the basic reference for close quarter battle training in the Army. As
such it is intended
for the use of qualified unarmed combat instructors."
"FM 21-150
This field manual contains information and guidance pertaining to rifle-bayonet
fighting and hand-to-hand combat. The hand-to-hand combat portion of this manual
is divided into basic and advanced training. The techniques are applied as intuitive
patterns of natural movement but are initially studied according to range. Therefore,
the basic principles for fighting in each range are discussed. However, for ease of
learning they are studied in reverse order as they would be encountered in a combat
This manual serves as a guide for instructors, trainers, and soldiers in the
art of instinctive rifle-bayonet fighting.The proponent for this publication is the United States Army Infantry School.
Comments and recommendations must be submitted on DA Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to Commandant,
United States Army Infantry School, ATTN: ATSH-RB, Fort Benning, GA,