Pride 23 - 24 Listopada 2002 -
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1) Don Frye vs. Hidehiko Yoshida
Walka bedzie miala, podobnie jak w przypadku walki Royce'a z Yoshida, specjalne zasady. Obowiazkowe bedzie przypuszczalnie noszenie kurtek [Gi] i byc moze beda pewne ograniczenia odnosnie mozliwosci uderzania.
2) Nobuhiko Takada vs. Kiyoshi Tamura
Ma to byc ostatnia walka Takady w jego karierze pro-wrestlera. Czlowiek ten niegdys uwazany za nr. 1 japonii. Mial mozliwosc walczenia z samym Ricksonem Gracie i to az dwukrotnie. Pod jego okiem wyplynela wielka gwiazda MMA Sakuraba. Tamura jest pro-wrestlerem tak jak Takada.
Mowi sie iz walka jest ustawiona z takim przeciwnikiem aby Takada mogl to wygrac.
Wsrod plotek o nadchodzacym Pride mowi sie o walce Minotauro z Barnetem o mistrzostwo wagi ciezkiej. Prawdopodobnie w tej gali wezmie udzial Vanderlei Silva. Sakuraba ma zakaz walki od lekarza spowodowany kumulacja zlaman i kontuzji Saku po ostatnich walkach.
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Pod znakiem zapytania stoi udzial Minotauro w najblizszej gali. Nie, nie chodzi o kontuzje. Problem jest innego rodzaju. Otoz nie mozna znalezc przeciwnika dla Mino. Potencjalny przeciwnik, Semmy Schilt, w owym okresie bedzie bral udzial w K-1 i nie moze walczyc z Mino. Tak wiec czy Mino wezmie udzial w nadchodzacej gali nie wiadomo.
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Jego potencjalini przeciwnicy jak Semmy Schilt czy Bob Sapp walcza dla K-1. Josh Barnett ma zakaz walki nalozony przez komisje stanowa. W zwiazku iz Pride podpisalo juz pewne umowy licencyjne musi uszanowac decyzje komisji o ile chce moc organizowac gale Pride w USA.
Tak wiec jako ze nie ma przeciwnika dla Mino obecnie, organizatorzy wpadli na pomysl aby urzadzic walke pomiedzy Emilianenko Fedor a Heath Herring. Zwyciezca owej walki bedzie walczyl o tytul z Mino.
Zupelnie inna sprawa ze kontrakt Mino z Pride wygasa ostatniego dnia tego roku a wiec nie wiadomo jeszcze jak to bedzie.
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Vanderlei Silva vs Mitsuhiro Kanehara
Murilo Ninja vs Ricardo Arona
Dla mnie zwyciezcami beda: Silva i Arona. 8)
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Mowi sie o Rodrigo Gracie jako potencjalnym przeciwniku Sakuraby.
To jest raczej malo prawdopodobne z racji tego iz do teraz Sakuraba leczy swoje kontuzje ktorych sie dorobil w czasie ostatnich kilku walk.
Jezeli zdecyduje sie walczyc to bedzie kolejna walka w ktorej bedzie nie w pelni swoich sil i nie pokaze swoich wszystkich umiejetnosci do jakich nas przyzwyczail w czasie swoich najwiekrzych zwyciestw.
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I ogloszono kolejne 2 walki:
Vanderlei Silva vs Mitsuhiro Kanehara
Murilo Ninja vs Ricardo Arona
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- Silva
- Ninja
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Nie wiadomo z kim zmierzy sie Saku.
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Saku walczy z Gills Arsene , z tego co pamietam to jaiks francuz z Carlson Gracie BJJ.
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A z tym mutantem, to o co Ci chodzi? Ze ma ponad 2 m wzrostu?..no to Mino bedzie bil mutanta Schilta , nie daje Semmy za duzo szans w tej walce
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Dostalem troche wiecej wiadomosci o tajemniczym Gills Arsene , 180 cm / 90 kg , purple belt i BJJ , ostatnio duzo trenowal z Le Bannerem , ma na koncie 30 min grapplinh match z Sappem , zakonczony remisem.
Czy to wystarczy na Saku , zalezy chyba w jakiem psychicznej kondycji bedzie ten ostatni i czy nie bedzie mial za duzego kaca.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
vanderlei Silva vs Mitsuhiro Kanehara
Heath Herring vs Emelianenko Fedor
Don Frye vs Hidehiko Yoshida
Nobuhiko Takada vs Kiyoshi Tamura
Murilo 'Ninja' Rua vs Ricardo Arona
Rodrigo 'Minotauro' Nogeuira vs Semmy Schilt
Kevin Randleman vs Kenichi Yamamoto
Jerrel Venetiaan vs Hirotaka Yokoi
Kazushi Sakuraba vs Gilles Arsene
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![Dołączona grafika](http://www.pridefc.com/interviews/frye_01/020223_don.jpg)
PRIDE Fighting Championships: What have you been up to since your fight with Le Banner?
Don Frye: Sitting Around, feeling sorry for myself. Trying to figure out what the hell happened. I took a couple weeks off and then I got back into training.
PRIDE: What did you think when you got the offer for this fight with Yoshida?
Don Frye: I was excited. I think it's a great honor. I like Yoshida. He's one of the best athletes to ever come out of Japan. To be able to match skills with someone like that is a great honor and will require a lot of work on my part.
PRIDE: Did you have any reservations about taking this fight? (If so, what?)
Don Frye: No, not at all. I heard that he requested me so there's no way I'm going to turn his request down.
PRIDE: When you fought Takayama in June, you said that you were retiring from Mixed Martial Arts. Why did you decide to come back this time? Did something happen between then and now?
Don Frye: When I came back and fought Le Banner, it was obvious that I wasn't retiring. I guess God won't let me retire yet.
PRIDE: What's your impression of Yoshida?
Don Frye: He's an Olympic gold medallist. He's a world champion. To get in the ring with someone like that, is a once in a lifetime chance.
PRIDE: What did you think when you heard that Yoshida asked for you specifically?
Don Frye: I'm excited. To request to fight me, it means that he's got a lot of respect for my abilities. To fight a world champion and an Olympic champion. that's something not everyone gets to do.
PRIDE: Did you see the Yoshida/Gracie fight?
Don Frye: Yeah.
PRIDE: What did you think of that fight?
Don Frye: I want Yuji (Shimada) to referee my fight. That's my politically correct answer.
PRIDE: As you know, Yoshida is a gold medal Olympic champion in Judo. How do you think that will benefit him in his fight with you?
Don Frye: Everyone says that he's a rookie but he's not a rookie. The guys had 2 or 3,000 matches plus training 8 hours a day for many years. There's no rookie aspect about him. He's ready to go. He's a trained professional.
PRIDE: Are you going to just go in and slug it out with him?
Don Frye: All my friends are warning me "Don't play Judo with him! Don't play Judo with him!" because I have a tendency to fight the other guy's style. Who knows what I'm going to do?
PRIDE: This will be Yoshida's first fight with real striking. What do you think about him fighting you while he is still new to striking?
Don Frye: He's the most decorated athlete to come into MMA. It used to be Mark Coleman. Coleman was on the US Olympic team and the Pan Am champion. And know Yoshida is because Yoshida is a 2-time world champ and an Olympic champ. Being the most decorated athlete, he's at the top of his level. He's not going to come in and start at the bottom. I really respect him. I'm glad he gave me the opportunity to fight him.
PRIDE: Yoshida said he would wear his gi when he fights. Do you think that will affect the fight?
Don Frye: Of course it will affect the fight. That's why he's wearing it. That's what he's comfortable in. Psychologically, he's planning on me grabbing the gi out of habit. So, that'll work to his advantage. That's why all my friends are telling me not to play Judo with him.
PRIDE: I've heard that you have some Judo experience. Is that true?
Don Frye: I'm a second-degree black belt. I've been doing Judo for 8 or 10 years.
PRIDE: Is there any chance that you'll wear your do-gi when you fight Yoshida?
Don Frye: I don't know. That's one of the things I'm thinking about.
PRIDE: Yoshida also said that he wants you to teach him what being a pro is about. What will you teach him in your fight?
Don Frye: I can't teach him anything. The guy is obviously a class act. He's a true sportsman and a true competitor. He has all the class in the world to come into MMA and formally request to fight me and not ask for special rules. He's at the top of his game, Judo, which is one of the most disciplined sports in the world. There's nothing I can teach him. The guy is already a professional. He's got all my respect.
PRIDE: What do you think makes a "Pro" fighter?
Don Frye: A lot of it has to do with the way you respect your opponent, the way you respect your training/sparring partners, the way you respect your fans and conduct yourself in front of people who are your fans and also in front of people who don't know anything about the sport. The way you conduct yourself in the public eye. Not only are you representing yourself but also your sport and the promoter's. You want to represent them properly. You just don't want to give anything a black eye. I think that's the way professionals should conduct themselves. Especially, the way they treat the fans. I mean, you see these baseball players making millions of dollars and then they've got to charge the fans $20 for an autograph. There's not reason for that.
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![Dołączona grafika](http://news.adcombat.com/images/articles/2572/minotauro_p23.jpg)
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Was Bob Sapp the toughest opponent of your career? 'Minotauro': Due to his strength, that was a very tough fight. However, he
wasn't the most technical, or the best fighter whom I've faced off against, Mark Coleman and Heath Herring were. Sapp is a hard guy to beat, but I was confident that I'd win. That pile driver was his strong point in that fight, and I didn't fight well in first round due to that.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Did you change your tactics inside the ring for Sapp? 'Minotauro': I wanted to expend his gas on the ground, and to land some punches on the feet. I got to do this, and I think that I was better on the feet. To trade blows with him if he's not gassed would have been a bad thing for me.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: That was the biggest weight difference between two heavyweights. What's your opinion on this? 'Minotauro': That was a stupid weight and strength difference. If I didn't have technique and fought with a guy who was 65kg, if he were to try an armbar I'd escape due to my strength. Also, I'd eat punches without problems due to my weight. If I had the same
weight and height as Sapp I'd 'kill' him in the ring.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: It seems that fighters with Sapp's size will be seen more frequently in the NHB shows in the next year. Does this represent any kind of danger to you? 'Minotauro': Seems that the NHB's future will be one of many mutants (laughs). I think that they need to do a new (super)heavyweight category.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Was that pile driver the worst moment for you in that fight, or did Sapp affect you in other ways? 'Minotauro': No doubt about it. His punches didn't stun me because I'm used to training with hard punchers.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Besides that armbar, which defined the fight, did you feel there were other times where you could have submitted him? 'Minotauro': I almost put a triangle on him, but he body-slammed me twice, and when I adjusted the position, he escaped with technique.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: What about those technical movements that Sapp used during the fight? Allan Goes was reported as being the one that taught Sapp those moves. 'Minotauro': I'm upset, he trained with me. I'll never do this
to anyone who I trained with.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: You said on the feet you were better. Do you feel you came close to KOing him? 'Minotauro': I threw good combos. I've certainty that, if I were the heaviest, he'd be KO'ed with a straight punch, which I landed.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Some fans want to know, why didn't you throw punches in
Sapp's face when you got the position for armbar sine he tried to hurt you bad with that pile driver? 'Minotauro': I'm an athlete, not a brawler. I submitted him with technique. I'm in the ring to give a show, and not to hurt my opponent, or to try to step on him after my victory.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: What was your reaction when Josh Barnett challenged you after that war against Sapp? 'Minotauro': That was an inopportune moment. Maybe that's part of show, I don't know. But I think that he should have respected me, since I was coming from a hard fight and I was very tired. Others interesting points are: Barnett was in Sapp's corner, I armbarred Sapp. Barnett was in Coleman's corner, I submitted Coleman. Barnett was in Tsuyoshi Kohsaka's corner, 'Minotoro' decisioned Kohsaka. Also, Barnett was in Akira Shoji's corner, Filho armbarred Shoji. So the score is in my favor (laughs).
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: He said in a recent interview he (Barnett) said he would beat you. What do you say to this? 'Minotauro': I respect his talent, but
I'd beat him.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: What do you really think about Barnett? 'Minotauro': He's tough, and he's the former UFC heavyweight champion, but there're other
fighters (besides Josh) who can face me first.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Who would you like to face? 'Minotauro': Ricco Rodriguez, Emelianenko Fedor, Hidehiko Yoshida, Kazuyuki Fujita, and Mirco 'Cro Cop'.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Rodriguez to avenge that ADCC match? 'Minotauro': Yeah.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Why not Tom Erickson? 'Minotauro': I'd fight him, however he likes to stall and it'd not be a good show for the fans.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Did Pride matchmakers give you Sapp because you fought in UFO? 'Minotauro': I don't know, there're a lot of rumors in Japan about this (laughs). No problems, I'm the Pride heavyweight champion and I'm ready to face whomever it will be. I don't choose my opponents.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Why did you fight in UFO? 'Minotauro': When I signed my contract in 2001 with Pride, my manager put in there that I could fight in UFO, or Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye in 2002. So, the Pride matchmakers were a bit concerned that I'd not be able to fight in Dynamite, but as everyone saw, I did. Also, I want to speak to the fact that I faced Sapp because nobody wants to fight him.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Did you find yourself feeling a bit tired in Dynamite due to the fight in UFO? 'Minotauro': Yeah, I was a bit tired. Jet-lag and sinusitis were my toughest opponents (laughs).
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Do you still intend to fight in K-1? 'Minotauro': I've every intention of doing so, but right now my main concern is the fights in Pride. I want to be undefeated this year in Pride. My plans for K-1 will begin next year when I'll dedicate myself to Muay Thai. I will go to Holland in January.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Pride 23, opponent Semmy Schilt, another giant. What're your thoughts? 'Minotauro': I knew last November 5th that I'd be facing Schilt. I have a tactic in my mind, and I'll take advantage of these next two weeks to train hard.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Will Schilt pose the same threats as Sapp did? 'Minotauro': They're both giants. I think that Schilt has better kicks, and his punches are more technical than Sapp's also. He can prove this in K-1, where he(Schilt) will be facing Sapp in the first round. His ground game is improving, but I'm confident.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: So it will be hard to find the ideal distance on the feet? 'Minotauro': I've trained for this.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Did you expect to fight in Pride 23? 'Minotauro': Nope, I was hoping for a fight between Herring and Emelianeko Fedor, and to face the winner in December. If I wasn't training I'd not have accepted this fight, but because I was already in training, I now have this privilege.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Do you feel you should have to face Heath Herring again? 'Minotauro': I beat him without any doubt the first time. So I think that there should be no reason for another fight, at least not now.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: If he (Herring) beats Fedor, would an immediate fight against him be premature? 'Minotauro': I think that Pride's heavyweights should fight more amongst themselves. Fights such as Fedor x Sapp, Schilt x Erickson and Herring x Coleman would be welcome. After these fights, they could choose an opponent for me. But they prefer to risk repeating a fight. Why only tough fighters for me? I faced a 170kg last time, and next I'll face a 130kg. The Pride middleweight champion got a rest in Dynamite. I want to fight, and whomever they put in front of me, I'll face. I don't choose my opponents, but Pride needs to take care of my best interests (laughs).
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Who do you pick between Fedor and Herring? 'Minotauro': I
haven't watched many fights from Fedor. He's talented, however, Herring is
more experienced and the stronger of the two. I prefer to not pick.
FIGHTWORLD Brazil: Can we expect a good show in your fight? 'Minotauro': Once again I'll try my best. I'm always looking for submissions. My fans are seeing that I'm only facing tough fighters, and I'm proving that they can believe in me. Also, my new web site - [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] - is coming soon, please try to check it out.
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