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Helio Gracie ma 90 lat !!

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Helio Gracie ma 90 lat !!
Dołączona grafikaTak wiec Helio Gracie, 1 pazdziernika 2002, obchodzil swoje 90 urodziny :!: 8O . Pomimo dosc zaawansowanego wieku ten szacowny dziadek jest zwawy niczym 30 latek. Nadal trenuje i prowadzi seminaria. Jest posiadaczem 10 dana w Bjj. Nic tylko rzyczyc lat 100 :?: 8)

Kilka zdjec roznych z Helio:
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Dołączona grafika

Helio vs Sato
Dołączona grafika
Dołączona grafikaDołączona grafika

Helio vs Kimura
Dołączona grafika

Helio vs Santana
Dołączona grafika

Gran Maestro Helio Gracie

El Padre del Jiu-jitsu Brasileño.

Helio, the youngest brother, who due to his frail health was forbidden from doing any kind of physical activity, got involved in this martial art at the age of 16 when he began substitute teaching for his brother Carlos. In spite of his small frame and weight of only 140 pounds, he became the mastermind behind the development of the style, creating an art that depended entirely upon technique, rather than strength and speed. Helio went a step further than his teachers by introducing techniques that required less strength than the Japanese style. Led by him, the brothers were driven by a constant determination to find effective ways to deal with the very possible aspect of a real fight. Daring to break away from the traditional Japanese style, they began experimenting, modifying and perfecting simple techniques that would be effective regardless of stature. That is how the Gracie family developed this style of Jiu-Jitsu. Though this martial art descended from the ancient Japanese style, the differences are quite apparent. Many of the Japanese facets of the art which depended on physical prowess and stiff motion were tossed aside, leaving only pure technique. At the age of 17, he first stepped into the ring in Frontao against a boxer named Antonio Portugal where Helio won in 30 seconds. Some of his astonishing feats include the longest fight in history: three hours and forty-five minutes, non-stop with his oldest student, Valdemar Santana; and he was the first jiu-jitsu master in the western world to practically defeat a Japanese jiu-jitsu master: Namiki in 1932. This was the first jiu-jitsu battle of his career and also the first time he wore a gi during a combat fight. Helio ended the fight with Namiki in his guard when the bell rang a few seconds before Namiki tapped out. Another amazing performance of Helio was his brilliant fight against Kato, World Jiu Jitsu vice-champion, at Maracana Stadium which seats 120,000 people. The fight ended in a draw and Helio asked for a rematch. The second match, held in Ibirapuera Stadium in Sao Paulo, was a very technical fight. Helio defeated Kato with a choke hold. His victory brought glory to Brazil and international recognition to Helio's art in the Jiu-Jitsu world . Upon defeating Kato, a challenge match was set between Helio and the world Japanese champion, Masahiko Kimura, probably the best fighter that Japan has ever produced. This historical match took place in 1951 and was held in the Maracana Stadium. At this time, Helio was 42 years old and weighed 63kg, and his opponent Kimura was 34 years old and weighed 100kg. The 37kg lighter Helio lost after his brother Carlos threw in the towel. Helio also challenged boxing greats Primo Carnera and Ezzard Charles, and world champions Joe Louis and later Muhammad Ali, to matches to compare styles. They all declined. An example of courage and determination, Helio became a national hero in Brazil. After a lifetime of combat, today at 86, he still teaches the art and has the same determination to live jiu-jitsu as his lifestyle. He is recognized as the creator of the style. After 70 years of mastering the art, Helio Gracie's youngest son from his first marriage, Rickson Gracie, is still keeping the Gracie Challenge alive. Keep reading for more exciting history on Rickson Gracie, the champion of the family for the last 16 years.
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