skopiowalem to z listy mailowej do ktorej naleze. chcialbym jakies logiczne przemyslenia na ten temat. osoby ktore po przeczytaniu planuja pisac w stylu bzdura albo bjj rulez to rposilbym o darowanie sobie

I wanted to follow up by stating more clearly that,- the reason most
fights end up on the ground is NOT because of the technical superioirty
of grappeling, but becuase of HUMAN NATURE.
There is a very good book that I recomend to anyone who trains for combat,
OF TRAINING TO KILL); BY Lt.Col. David Guttman
By going over military records we find that in earlier wars only 20-30%
of combatants would fire their weapons. In the rare instances when bayonets
were used combatants would invairably turn their weapons around and use
them like clubs. The Romans noted that most men would slash and use the
edge of their swords rather than use more deadly thrusting techniques...
It takes a lot of conditioning and social leverage to get a human being
to kill another, even in war. The enemy must be dehumanized, and the
easiest way to to that is through distance.
Hand to hand combat is the most intamate range and in Guttman's book
is considered "sexual range", and at that range it is almost imposible
to dehumanize the enemy, because you can feel him, smell him, and look
him in the eye. That's why in street fights people don't gouge out eyes
and rip out throats,(or use knives even though they have them,[if they
do use them it is for slashing,NOT stabbing]). These "upright techniques"
are not used in favor of grappling, because grappeling is LESS effective!
That's the good news, the bad news is that approximatly 2% of any male
population are what used to be known as "aggressive pychopaths", now
more commonly reffereed to as sociopaths. Sociopaths are not nessecarly
bad people, but they do not have a problem doing bad things in bad
be careful out there.