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After having watched your "Ultimate Fighting Championships" held by the Gracie-Family, I cannot find them very "ultimate" but only amusing. These so-called "ultimate fights' may impress laymen or beginners, but in fact they are no more real than the professional Wrestling shows on TV.

What depresses me is that I heard of some rumors that I would not dare to accept your challenge. In fact I have never received any such challenge! Do you want me to appear like a coward? When I talked to Benny Urquidez in Germany, he told me that you people had played him the same dirty old trick for propaganda. Not long ago you even challenged the great man of American wrestling Gene LeBell. A very brave act indeed, since Mr. LeBell is over 60 years old.

Now in the second "Ultimate Fighting Championships"-Show you people even (ab-)used two stupid wing chun-men to perform some funny movements so as to represent "Kung Fu". And at the same time you claimed to have defeated two "wing chun'-fighters in the first bout.

Although I am a WingTsun-Fighter of the Leung Ting WingTsun-System, which is very different from the generic wing chun-style in theory and practice and is highly compatible in ground-fighting, I feel bad that you brothers use these kinds of dirty tricks to put down the late Great Grandmaster Yip Man's other students, their schools as well as other respectable martial arts styles or stylists!

I keep the record of over 300 bare-hand fights and have never been defeated. However, I have never talked bad about my losers and all the other styles. But so as to educate you Gracies to respect the others, my students I hereby turn the tables on you by challenging all you people of the Gracie-Family.

I can send 5 or more fighters from the AWTO to fight the Gracies. If you have more fighters in the Gracie-Family, just inform me and I shall report this to the International Headquarters and we will satisfy you with as many fighters as necessary.

We like the so-called "No rules at all" Game as advertised in your propaganda. No gloves, no time-limit, the person who knocks out his opponent is the winner. This is exactly the way we WingTsun-people fought in China in the olden times. We do not mind fighting you people in the ring set up by your own organization. The only thing that we want is to fight openly, so all the audience, reporters, TV-people and martial artists can see if you can really fight against us. We only want two conditions:

1) We only fight you Gracies. For we do not want to give you the chance to use any helpful idiots to protect you as "shields". So we will only fight you directly and no others!
2) The winner takes all the money. We only want our expenses paid. The rest of the money will all be used for charity.

If you Gracie-brothers dare not to accept our challenge, I do not mind. But remember: Never put down any other martial art styles from now on.

Emin Boztepe
5th level Practician EWTO / IWTMAA
Headman of the AWTO (American WingTsun Organization)


This letter was sent to the Gracies and published in many (international) ma magazines.
I have added here a question and an answer of this related matter. This 'fragment' came from a complete interview that was placed in the OCT 95 edition of the Martial Arts Illustrated, Frank Schäfer Sifu.

Thomas Nilsson:
People have often claimed that if you don't compete, you can't prove how good (or bad) your martial art is...

Emin Boztepe:
Well, I think this attitude is beginning to change a bit now. I challenged the Gracie brothers because of their big mouth and now they are only excusing themselves, they only want to fight in their own environment. They no longer accept any challengers outside the UFC or even outside the state of California.
The truth of the matter is, Gracies never fight outside of their own school and their own environment. Now, when they say they won't accept any outside challengers any more, I say "what any more?" I never saw them fight outside of their own organisation in America! Basically, they are just talking around and I don't want to get too deep into this now.

But in short, I recently had a phone call from Rorion Gracie who respected everything that I had said, two of my friends listened in on a speaker phone. And Rorion said that this thing would go on and on forever, letter would be sent back and forth forever and the fight will never take place.
I said: Listen, Mr. Gracie, you are the one who has called me a coward, but it's not on me, it's you who is the coward. Just take off your suit and tie and come out on the street! And now he even refuses to admit that he once challenged (Mike) Tyson, but he did just that in an article entitled "The Amazing Gracies", published in American Kung Fu and Karate Illustrated.
Obviously they (the Gracies) did this for publicity and now they are accusing me of challenging them as a publicity stunt!
I'm alone in the USA. I don't have a family to hide behind and everyone who knows me, knows that I didn't challenge the Gracies just to get personal publicity.

Now they (Royce Gracie) are calling me a circus clown, but look who's fighting in a cage! I am not a clown, I'm a serious martial artist and I have many famous martial arts champions backing me up as my friends; Gene LeBell, Bob Wall, Bill Wallace, Benny Urquidez as well as my own students who know I'm for real. I didn't go out looking for personal publicity.
Okay, I beat up William Cheung once because he was trying to pull the same stunt as the Gracies are doing now. The point is, the Gracies are hiding out in their own environment or they go out five, six brothers together...
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Re: wyzwanie rzucone gracie
Botzepe od tego czasu ma juz 2 dzieci , to bylo 8 lat temu i ciagnelo sie chyba przez rok
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Re: wyzwanie rzucone gracie
Seiken i jak sie skonczylo?
Bo nie przypominam aby jakies takie zajscie WCH vs Gracie mialo miejsce...
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Re: wyzwanie rzucone gracie
Skonczylo sie na wymianie telefonow i listow pomiedzy adwokatami obu stron.
Generalnie , wygladalo to tak ze Emin zredagowal challenge , ale chcial walczyc pod taki warunkami ze nie mozna ich bylo spelnic ( sal , czas , dzien , brak kamery , itd ).Bezpiecznie i mozna wyjsc na wygranego , przynajmniej w mediach.
Gdzies podawalem link do calej korenspondencji powiedzy stronami , ale nie wiem gdzie.
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Re: wyzwanie rzucone gracie

Skonczylo sie na wymianie telefonow i listow pomiedzy adwokatami obu stron.
Generalnie , wygladalo to tak ze Emin zredagowal challenge , ale chcial walczyc pod taki warunkami ze nie mozna ich bylo spelnic ( sal , czas , dzien , brak kamery , itd ).Bezpiecznie i mozna wyjsc na wygranego , przynajmniej w mediach.
Gdzies podawalem link do calej korenspondencji powiedzy stronami , ale nie wiem gdzie.

To nie tłukli się, adwokaci to załatwili? dlaczego tak? przecież gracie słyną z rozwiązywania problemów walką :?:
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Re: wyzwanie rzucone gracie
Ameryka prosze pana..............
Poszukam tych listow , ciekawa lektura i nie tylko Gracie slyna z rozwazywania swych problemow walka.
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Re: wyzwanie rzucone gracie
OK , poczytajcie sobie
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