Judo vs Bjj
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JUDO wins over BJJ
From The Judo Q&A in Underworld Forum
Judo wins over BJJ/GJJ The following is a list of recent judoka who defeated top BJJ men.
(1) Akira Shoji (Black belt in judo but no title in judo) knocked out Wallid Ismael (8 times BJJ champion who has defeated Renzo Gracie, Ralph Gracie, and Royce Gracie) in R2 in Pride 4.
(2) Igor Zinoviev (Black belt but only a local (NY and NJ) title in judo) defeated Mario Sperry (3 times world champion in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). He knocked out Enson Inoue in 44 seconds in 1996 Vale Tudo Japan.
(3) Don Frye (2nd degree black belt in judo) defeated Amaury Bitetti (1995 world champion in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) by TKO in UFC8. Don Frye spent a lot of time practicing judo before the bout with Amaury Bitetti. Frye knew that by practicing authentic judo, he would be completely prepared to take on the BJJ world champion Amaury Bitetti. That is why Frye looked so confident before the match, and he proved himself as we all know. After Don Frye won the Ultimate Ultimate 1996, Jeff Blatnick said to Frye that " Your submission skills have greatly improved." Frye then said, "I spent a lot of time practicing judo." These top BJJ fighters were unable to submit these totally unknown judoka who had no title in judo and lost the bouts in NHB. If BJJ is so much better than judo, then why did these top names in BJJ failed to apply any submission hold on the ground? The fact is that top BJJ fighters were defeated in NHB matches by no name judoka means that it is not very difficult for highly trained judoka to defend themselves against submission holds. Learn true judo, then you will learn to beat BJJ black belts on the ground.
(4) Yasuichi Ono choked out Jorge Gracie (Helio Gracie's older brother) circa 1950. These are four cases in which no name judoka defeated top BJJ fighters.
(5) Masahiko Kimura (7th dan BB undefeated for 13 years in judo) defeated Helio Gracie (the self-proclaimed founder of Gracie Jiu Jitsu) by breaking two bones in the left arm of Helio, by udegarami. Helio Gracie was hospitalized for multiple fractures. In this bout, Helio was unable to score any counter or reverse. Kimura defeated Helio on the ground using a ground technique which is supposed to be BJJ's strength.
(6) In 1974, Wilhelm Ruska (1972 Olympics judo gold medalist in over 95kg class and absolute division) destroyed Iwan Gomes (then the no. 1 man in BJJ) by punches on the ground in a vale tudo match. (5) and (6) are records of what happened when top BJJ men fought top judoka. In both of these cases, these BJJ men were brave enough to challenge top judoka. But the bouts ended in executions by judoka.
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nie boicie się tak nic a nic ?
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no to macie przerypane u fanów
nie boicie się tak nic a nic ?
Jestem niewinny beksa przestraszony
Ja tylko chcialem uczcic to chwila ciszy

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Mnie interesuje druga część tego tekstu:
(4) Yasuichi Ono choked out Jorge Gracie (Helio Gracie's older brother) circa 1950. These are four cases in which no name judoka defeated top BJJ fighters.
(5) Masahiko Kimura (7th dan BB undefeated for 13 years in judo) defeated Helio Gracie (the self-proclaimed founder of Gracie Jiu Jitsu) by breaking two bones in the left arm of Helio, by udegarami. Helio Gracie was hospitalized for multiple fractures. In this bout, Helio was unable to score any counter or reverse. Kimura defeated Helio on the ground using a ground technique which is supposed to be BJJ's strength.
(6) In 1974, Wilhelm Ruska (1972 Olympics judo gold medalist in over 95kg class and absolute division) destroyed Iwan Gomes (then the no. 1 man in BJJ) by punches on the ground in a vale tudo match. (5) and (6) are records of what happened when top BJJ men fought top judoka. In both of these cases, these BJJ men were brave enough to challenge top judoka. But the bouts ended in executions by judoka.
Może Karol powie coś na ten temat, zwłaszcza odnośnie Kimury.
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The Man Who Defeated Helio Gracie
by Jim Chen, M.D.
Kimura became the All Japan Open Weight Judo Champion at age 20. He maintained this title for 13 years without suffering a single defeat during this period. In 1950 he left judo to become a professional Judoka and wrestler. In July 1951 Kimura and two other fellow Japanese Judoka were asked to compete in Brazil. Kimura at age 34 was accompanied by a 240 pound (110kg) college champion Yamaguchi (6th degree black belt at the time) and Kado (5th degree black belt). It was to be a Judo/Jiu-jitsu fight.
Kado accepted a challenge from Helio Gracie - Brazilian champion for 20 years. The loser was determined by tapping out due to a choke or armbar, or by being knocked out of commission. Ippon (clean powerful throws) or osaekomi (pinning) would have no effect on the results of competition. During Kado's fight he threw Gracie several times. Gracie, who was in excellent condition, demonstrated ukemi, braking the throws with little injury. After 10 minutes of frustration, Kado decided to apply a choke. However, the masterful Gracie applied his own choke rendering Kado unconscious. With Kado's passing-out, Gracie was declared the winner and became a national hero of Brazil!
Weeks later, Gracie challenged the remaining two team members, either Yamaguchi or Kimura, to a match. Yamaguchi refused for fear of injury, however Kimura accepted the challenge. There were 20,000 spectators present. A coffin was brought in by Gracie's followers. Presumably, Kimura was to be killed by Gracie. On the day of the match, the President and Vice President of Brazil attended at ringside.
During the fight, Kimura threw Gracie repeatedly with Ippon Seoinage, Osoto-gari, and Haraigoshi. He also included painful suffocating grappling techniques such as Kuzurekamishihogatame, Kesagatame, Sankakugatame. Gracie proved to be a formidable opponent refusing to surrender after 12 minutes of grueling fight. Kimura then took Gracie down with an Osotogari followed by Kuzurekamishihogatame. During the battle that followed, Gracie bridged out of the pin and right into Kimura's ude-garami (arm bar). The arm bar must have been painful but when Gracie refused to surrender, Kimura applied yet more pressure, and as a result Gracie suffered a broken left elbow.
Even with the broken elbow, Gracie still refused to give up, so his comer "threw in the towel". Kiinura was declared the winner by TKO. Although Kimura won the actual fight, it was acknowledged that Gracie had the greater fighting spirit and will. Kimura later applauded Gracie's tremendous will to win.
Wiecej o Kimurze znajdziesz pod tym adresem [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
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No nie kompletny film, tutaj jest cały:Tu jest film z walki Helio vs Kimura [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
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od lewej: Helio, Kimura, Carlos.

kimura vs helio

i inne:

Oswaldo Gracie (z prawej) przed walką z Joăo Baldi.
Oswaldo zadusił go w 2 minuty.

Helio (pierwszy z lewej) walczy i wygrywa z capoeira.

Kato (stojący) vs. Helio Gracie

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