In Bahia, before Bimba, there is no written record of this kind of fight, but doubtless they happened. After all, there were boxers and wrestlers on board visiting merchant ships and Capoeira players among the Brazilian longshoremen, and Bimba said he fought many times and never lost to anybody. But let's be fair here -- he never met Maeda or the Gracies, either. The Gracies fought a lot of Capoeira players during the 1950s and 1960s and always won, but the only Brazilian (let's keep Masahiko Kimura out of this) to ever beat Helio Gracie was Waldemar Santana, who had studied under both Helio Gracie and Mestre Bimba's student Arthur Emidio in Rio. And some years ago in an "Ultimate Fighting" event, a Capoeira player called Mestre Hulk knocked out a Gracie Jiu Jitsu champion named Amauri Biteti. Biteti was the favorite and was beating everybody that night and then during the final match he made a big mistake. Instead of going to the ground where he was supreme, he chose to fight Mestre Hulk in a boxing style and was knocked out cold.
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