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TAM QUI - ancient vietnamese martial art

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TAM QUI - ancient vietnamese martial art
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] Tam Qui Khi Kong Federation

TAM QUI - is an ancient Vietnamese teaching about living in harmony with environment.

Tam Qui (“Three Treasures”: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) is about studying, preserving and passing from one to another all aspects of the school, detailed comprehension of a close combat technique and ability to control the body and spirit in any situation. During the education, special methods are used, as a result of which the practitioner gains strong health, longevity and a rejuvenation of the entire organism.
Besides a serious fighting aspect, the Tam Qui School contains an enormous layer of the knowledge, directed toward the health improvement of a man, toward the development of his inner world. One of the core tasks of the School – developing a harmonious person, revealing his internal potential.
Tam Qui School is absolutely unique, its techniques and the very approach to conducting the trainings are completely original and not similar to any other styles. Even in Vietnam, from the words of Master Ziyen (Thien Duyen’s teacher), our School was never widely known.
The Originator and Head of the School, Master Thien Duyen (Mikhnevitch I.O.) is a unique person: he is practicing Tam Qui for over 30 years, and has more than 10 years of educational activity; he is also practicing the zen-meditation for many years and carries out the sessions of acupuncture.
In his youth, after learning the basics of the Tam Qui martial art under the guidance of a Vietnamese Master Ziyen and having successfully undergone testing through the duels with the representatives of other schools, Master Thien Duyen left his home and lived in the forest for 3 years, all by himself, caring little about food, leaving behind all communication and jitteriness and fuss of the big city. He studied sutras and meditated, as a result of which has experienced several powerful satori. Subsequently, step by step Master Thien Duyen started educational activity and created the School of martial art in Moscow.
Tam Qui School is developing actively in Russia, but our goal is to spread the unique knowledge, accumulated by centuries, assembled and sharpened by Master Thien Duyen, throughout the world.

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Re: TAM QUI - ancient vietnamese martial art

The Tao are special complexes of exercises, developing a harmony of motion in a man. By exercising Tao we lay the core of self-defense and achieve the ability to stay calm in any situation. The principle of studying Tam Qui through Tao is in the following: by exercising a Tao over and over again, thousands and thousands of times, the Tam Qui practitioner gets his body accustomed to the motions of a specific nature, moving those very motions to the level of the unconscious. Thus, being forced into a real combat situation, the body operates “on its own”, in a kind of autonomy, based on the reflexes, embedded into it by the repetitive Tao practices. The Tao also have a meditative effect.
Circular Tao
This Tao is different from other Tao, because it’s exercised in a cycle. Once started, this Tao cycle can last eternally long without a stop. This feature of the Tao has an extremely positive influence on a psychophysical state of the practitioner; it’s possible to set a certain rhythm and keep it under control for as long as needed. The Circular Tao symbolizes the eternal motion of the Universe. Our lack of self-development is the one and only obstacle on the way to a harmonic, tranquil and at the same time potent Tao motion. The exercise is based on a sequence of “openings” and “closing” with various different positions of the arms. Besides the healing effect, the Tao has a combat aspect too. The blows in the Tam Qui technique are not limited to the fist blows; all parts of the palm are used for striking. The movements are flexible, moving smoothly from one position to another. Through this, a great speed and strength of each movement is achieved. The body gradually becomes flexible and controllable; this allows landing mighty blows from a short distance.

Tao “Stone”
In the Tao “Stone” the palm becomes a fist. This is the most harsh and brutal technique. The blows are being landed with every part of the fist. This technique reminds of a stone with a rope attached. Knees and elbows are also used for striking in this Tao. Studying the techniques starts with this form.

Tao “Tiger”
The way of executing this Tao lays in its very name. The tiger is a powerful, gracious beast. The practitioner of this Tao must entirely identify him/herself as this beast. The tiger’s habits enlist a huge variety of grabs, slaps, strikes with both paw and head. The tiger can turn hidden and prepared, as a compressed spring, and then rush upon the enemy. To master this Tao, one must learn the tiger’s habits. In Tam Qui technique there are several “Tiger” Tao’s.

Tao “Ribbon”
By ribbon here we mean a light ribbon of silk. Tao “Ribbon” is an advanced level Tao, because it requires considerable concentration, accuracy and flexibility from a practitioner. This Tao has movements reminding bends of a ribbon fluttering downwind. When the entire body of a practitioner, including hands, legs and trunk merges together, passing streams of Khi through itself, the Tao “Ribbon” is considered mastered. Mastering the Tao “Ribbon” and learning its deep inner meaning is only possible under a master’s guidance.

“Shouting” Tao
“Shouting” Tao unlike circular Tao is done with certain displacements. The position of a palm is “tiger”. Characteristic feature of the Tao is that this Tao is done with the shout “Ha” and a typical stamping out of jumps. “Shouting” has a great meaning in Tam Qui. Doing Tao with the shout “Ha” we make Khi energy flow free and increasingly more. “Shouting” Tao develops power, speed and pressure. Besides, doing this Tao we master the proper technique.
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Re: TAM QUI - ancient vietnamese martial art
Welcome to our group: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
Here is more photos, videos, articles about this style.
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Re: TAM QUI - ancient vietnamese martial art
Seria książek o Tam Qui:

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Re: TAM QUI - ancient vietnamese martial art
Federacja Tam Kui Khi-Kong z Moskwy, zaprasza do współpracy przy organizacji seminarium w waszym mieście, pt: «Tam Kui Khi-Kong starożytna wietnamska sztuka walki».

Federacja Tam Kui Khi-Kong ma zaszczyt przedstawic unikalną starożytną sztukę uzdrawiania organizmu i technikę walki.

Szef Fedracji, Mistrz. Tam Kui Khi-Kong - Igor Michniewicz (ur.1965r.) to jedyny specjalista tego kierunku, ma ponad 30 lat praktyki oraz ponad 10 letni staż trenerski.

Celem Federacji jest propagowanie tej metody w Europie i na świecie. Tak więc poszukujemy osób zainteresowanych współpracą, początkowo przy wydaniu książek, które opisują powyższą metodę.

Video: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
Rosja, Moskwa, +7(495) 769-72-00 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +7(495) 769-72-00      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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Re: TAM QUI - ancient vietnamese martial art
Co to jest? Jakaś szkoła rodzinna?? Przez tyle lat nie spotkałem się z tą nazwą, ale przy mnogości systemów wietnamskich sztuk walki mogłem coś przeoczyć... Zresztą, jak czytam coś w stylu: "niestety, nazwisko założyciela systemu zaginęło, zachował się jedynie napis...", to budzi to we mnie łagodnie mówiąc ostrożność i podejrzliwość. Mamy stały kontakt z chłopakami z Białorusi i osobiście spotkałem się tam z samozwańczymi "miszczami" i różnego rodzaju oszołomami. Także nie wiem, czy pukacie w odpowiednie drzwi. Ale próbujcie, w dzisiejszych czasach wszystkim wolno.
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