Couture opuszcza UFC
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mistrz wagi ciezkiej w UFC Randy Couture odchodzi z organizacji
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Nie może a napewno :wink:The UFC’s inability to land PRIDE heavyweight champion Fedor Emelianenko played a prominent role in the decision to walk away, according to Couture.
“I appreciate this opportunity the sport of MMA and the UFC has given me,” the UFC Hall-of-Famer said. “However, I’m tired of swimming upstream at this stage with the management of the UFC. It only makes sense at this point in my career to fight Fedor Emelianenko, and since he’s now signed with another organization, I feel like it’s time to resign and focus on my other endeavors.”
Nie ciekawie sie dzieje w kraju kwitnących tłuszczów.
Pewnie Randy zagra jakąś gównianą rolę, będzie chciał wrócić do mma ale znowu se pomyśli "kurde, z kim ja mam walczyć w tym ufc, ...ide do m-1"

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jedynie pozostaje mu wycofanie sie z MMA albo powrot do UFC
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Randy bardzo dobrze zrobił dla swojej kariery i wycofał się w najodpowiedniejszym dla siebie momencie. Jest już mocno wiekowo zaawansowany i tylko kwestia 2-3 walk jest strata przez niego tytułu. Szanuje go bardzo za jego postawe przez te wszystkie lata jak i za postawe we wszystkich TuFach i klase jaką tam pokazał. Ma wszystko czego potrzebuje. Sławe, kase i stwożone złudzenie niepokonanego. Wszyscy wiemy że walka z fedorem by się dla niego kiepsko skończyła. A w tym momencie Randy dalej będzie się już zajmował trenerką i biznesem a nie traceniem pasa i tego co wczesniej wypracował.
Pozdrawiam J.
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Teraz już wiem. Randy kręci teraz film, gra jedną z głównych ról
w drugiej części króla skorpiona. Randy związał się z jakimś znanym
menagerem filmowym, który obiecał mu góry złota.
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Swietny zawodnik, dusza wojownika, wzor do nasladowania...
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A Dana White ? Cóż palant, szczególnie te jego gadki o policzkowaniu kogoś i takie tam. Widocznie tamten agent był skuteczniejszy i przekonał Randy’ego znacznie lepiej. UFC straciło, ale przecież Randy by w końcu wyszedł z klatki. Nie zrobił z siebie matoła, tylko wiedział kiedy zakończyć karierę, tym bardziej kotrakt mu pozwalał. Więc White się chyba złości, bo może oglądalnośc spaść...
Dzisiaj znalazłem coś na tema Randy Couture’a w gazecie „Combat”, którą kupuję. Jest tu artykuł „The top ten fighters in UFC history”. Szybko przepisałem kawałek o Randym i przetłumaczyłem go jak potrafię. Randy’ego autor umieszcza na pierwszym miejscu, więc się zgadzamy ;-)
[...]1. Randy Couture – I gave a lot of consideriation to Liddell for this slot but ultimately elected to go with Couture. Head to head, Randy is just 1-2 vs Chuck. However, what puts him over the top is the fact that he has muliple title reigns in not one, but two weight classes. Couture is both a two – time light heavy champion and a three time heavy weight champion. While other fighters can boast a more impressive career won/loss record than „The Natural” (he’s 12-5), Couture has fought all challengers and some his losses can be attributed to the fact that he was fighting against much bigger fighters for a time during a previous run in the heavyweight division (he lost to fighters such as Josh Barnett and Ricco Rodriguez). He also suffered a highly controversal loss at UFC 46 due to a cut after Vitor Belfort inadvertently scratched him. Couture would later avange the loss by recording a third round TKO against Belfort at UFC 49. In addiction to beating Belfort, Couture holds career wins in the UFC over Liddell, Tito Ortiz, Pedro Rizzo, Maurice Smith, Kevin Randleman and Tim Sylvia. I’d call him a lock for the UFC Hall of Fame but he’s allready in it. The scary part is that at the tender age of 43, Couture isn’t done writing his UFC legacy.
1. Randy Couture: Po głębokim namyśle na temat Liddella odnośnie jego umiejscowienia, ostatecznie umieściłem na szczycie tego rankingu Randy’ego Couture. Twarzą w twarz, Randy przegrał z Chuckiem 1 – 2. Jednakże, umieszczam go wyżej, ponieważ posiada kilka tytułów w dwóch kategoriach wagowych, a nie jest to zwykle bywa, w jednej. Couture jest dwukrotnym mistrzem wagi lekkiej (nie znam się na wagach – sorki jak źle coś tłumaczę – w UFC chyba są tylko trzy ?) i trzykrotnym mistrzem wagi ciężkiej. Podczas gdy inni zawodnicy mogą się pochwalić bardziej imponującymi rezultatami, to „The Natural” (w UFC wygrał 12 walk, przegrał 5), walczył ze wszystkimi pretendentami do tytułu mistrza i kilka razy przegrał, to należy pamiętać, iż walczył on przeważnie z dużo większymi i cięższymi przeciwnikami w czasie wcześniego sezonu w wadze ciężkiej (przegrał z Josh’em Barnett’em i Ricco Rodriguez’em). Randy’ego dotknęła także bardzo kontrowersyjna przegrana w UFC 46 z Vitorem Belfortem, czego powodem było nieumyślne podrapanie oka Randy’ego przez przeciwnika. Póżniej w UFC 49 Couture wziął rewanż i wygrał z Belfortem z trzeciej rundzie przez TKO (łącznie walczyli trzy razy). Pomijając jego zamiłowanie do bicia Belforta, w czasie swojej kariery w UFC wygrał między innymi z Chuckiem Liddellem, Tito Ortizem, Pedro Rizzo, Maurice Smithem, Kevinem Randlemanem i Timem Sylvia. Chciałbym powiedzieć, że Randy Couture zapisuje się Galerii Sław, lecz on już to zrobił. Czasami może przerażać jego wiek – 43 lata, lecz Randy Couture jeszcze nie spisał swojej spuścizny w UFC (mało zręcznie to wszystko brzmi, ale tłumaczyłem na bieżąco, przepraszam jak są jakieś nielogiczności, generalnie sens tekstu jest ten sam).
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Fedor to M-1: Am I Professionally Required to Care About This?
Written by Mark Davies
The recent news that Fedor signed with M-1, and that Randy Couture has retired as a result of it, has elicited a wide variety of reactions, most of them nonsensical. As a public service I will clarify several points that have come up repeatedly.
Fedor Left Money on the Table
Although the terms of his deal were not disclosed it is believed by many that Fedor took less money per fight by rejecting the UFC’s offer. Even if that’s true his current deal is likely more lucrative and here is why:
Fedor is injury prone. His hands are fragile and coupled with his hard-hitting style that’s not a recipe for durability. Fedor is almost the Jeff Fenech of MMA. Do you think it’s a coincidence that he seemed disinclined to hit Lindland and Hunt? No he fought cautiously in those fights because he knew he could win them without slugging. In M-1 he is much less likely to get hurt fighting the lesser competition he will face than he would be in the UFC. He would still dominate in the UFC but he would have to work much harder to do so. Four fights a year at $1 million is better than 2 fights a year at $1.5. (these are speculative numbers)
The sponsorships and other non –fight revenue opportunities for Fedor are in Russia and M-1 promotes there. Is/was Fedor really going to be a huge star in America? Let’s say he comes into the Octagon and thirty seconds later Randy leaves on a stretcher. After beating the hugely popular champion he follows it up with some dominating wins. How big a star would he be? How many endorsements would he get? I don’t know but since those last few sentences accurately describe Anderson Silva’s UFC career and he isn’t exactly doing Nike ads with Kobe Bryant, I’d say the sponsorship market for non-English speakers is not that great. It should be noted that as a heavyweight Fedor could expect to do a little better than Anderson, even though Anderson has a better look.
Fedor’s schools are in Russia, he speaks Russian, and he has/will get sponsors in Russia. To the extent he can become a star in America that fame will be based on extensive marketing and while the UFC has 99.8% of the market, they also have at least a dozen bigger stars they need to promote. M-1 will be all Fedor all the time. Being the 13th biggest star in the UFC is better than being the lead guy in M-1’s American invasion but is the difference significant enough to merit giving up the Russian opportunities?
Fedor’s whole team benefits by this deal. One of the many non-monetary demands on which Fedor and the UFC differed was Emelianenko’s insistence that his boys get taken care of. M-1 is going to do that and it would be foolish to think Fedor won’t benefit from that.
Dana White is Not to Blame
(and should be commended)
This one hurts me to write since there are few pastimes more enjoyable to yours truly than taking potshots at the UFC’s self-important Major Domo. To start Fedor has no economic value in the US. That’s right none. Anyone who follows MMA closely enough to know Fedor is already buying UFC PPVs. For his star potential see above paragraphs.
The UFC made Fedor an offer that was grossly disproportionate to what they pay their other fighters and to what Fedor is worth in a strictly economic sense. That offer jeopardized their relationships with current stars and will make it more difficult to re-sign stars like Tito Ortiz. If I was Tito sitting down to negotiate, the first words out of my mouth would be: “You were going to pay some no-name Russian who can’t speak English 1.5 million, I’ve sold more PPVs than anyone alive so I deserve more than that.” Randy is one of the fighters who, it is rumoured, was upset with the UFC breaking the payscale to try to get Fedor.
The UFC’s offer showed that they are really committed to bringing in the best fighters even if it means upsetting the ones they have. The now-legendary no-Sambo clause derided by so many fans was a necessary hedge against the likelihood Fedor would get hurt. It shows that the UFC is willing to commit resources but they aren’t stupid about how they do it.
The Compelling Matchup for Fedor is Not in the UFC
Down the road there are a couple semi-interesting fights for Fedor in the UFC. If Gonzaga improves he could eventually give the Russian trouble and Andre Arlovski has the physical tools to concern Fedor, assuming AA fights the fight of his life, but the fight everyone seems to want is a 44-year old who is 2-2 with two stoppage losses in his last four heavyweight fights and who has been stopped five times in his last 11 fights. This is the mega-unification, fan’s wet dream matchup?
Couture-Fedor is not that interesting. That’s right I said it. Randy has a nice win streak going with solid victories over two top 10 guys but there are several heavyweights with win streaks at least as impressive. Noguiera just beat Barnett and Herring. Can you honestly say wins over Gonzaga and Sylvia are more impressive? Kongo just beat Silva and Cro Cop. Randy’s wins are slightly better than Cheik’s but these three guys are all roughly the same in their last two fights and if you go much past that Randy’s record at heavyweight starts to look lousy. Remember those arguments people used to make about why Sylvia should be ranked higher? “But he has the belt” the uninformed would simper. That argument is no more compelling when made on behalf of Randy.
Fedor has not only faced and beaten competition far superior to Randy, he has dominated it. Nogueira has been the no. 2 HW forever and his other wins are so impressive that we tend to forget that Fedor didn’t just beat him, he kicked the hell out of him. In the UFC those fights would have been 50-43 decisions. The difference between Fedor and Nogueira is equivalent to the difference between Noguiera and the no. 10 heavyweight. In no other division and at no other time in MMA history has the gap between 1 and 2 been so gaping.
Fedor is bigger, stronger, faster, more skilled, much younger and hits harder than Randy. He also fought a fighter very similar in style to Randy four months ago. Lindland is about twenty pound lighter than Couture but Matt is also a better wrestler and more skilled at submissions. Fedor submitted him in two minutes without throwing a punch.
For six years Fedor has dominated all comers. He has won four fights against men who were ranked number 2 in the division when they fought and he was never seriously threatened by any of them. In contrast Randy has fought two, arguably three top 5 fighters and two of them stopped him.
Fedor has fought elite wrestlers, submission artists and kickboxers and destroyed them all. The closest he ever came to losing was against Kevin Randleman, who dominated Randy for a couple of rounds, and that fight took 90 seconds.
What is Randy going to do that those guys couldn’t? Is he a better wrestler or takedown artist than Mark Coleman? NO. If he can get Fedor on his back is there any reason to think Fedor won’t submit Randy as easily as he did Matt Lindland? NO. If they stay standing is there any reason to think Randy will get the better of Fedor when Cro Cop couldn’t? NO.
There is one compelling matchup available for Fedor and its Josh Barnett. Josh is a better fighter than Randy but more importantly he has the diverse skill set and size to match up with Fedor. Unlike Randy, Josh would have several advantages if he fought Fedor. Josh is probably a little better at submissions, is probably a close match standing, and has 20-30 lbs on Fedor.
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