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Poza tym czeka nas wiele atrakcji m.in. seria pokazów Chi-Vat - zapasów wietnamskich na pierwszym prywatnym Uniwersytecie w Wietnamie. Duzo staży, treningów oraz najwieksza atrakcja - wizyta u Wielkiego Mistrza Le sang i egzaminy przed nim i Rada Mistrzów.
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oczywiście czekamy na relację
najlepiej fotorelację

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9.............United States of America
Male Free Sparring Results:
Country Gold Weight Champion
Russia..........3................72-77kg....Timur Aylyarov
............................77-83kg....Yuri Kibizov
............................83-90kg....Denis Kal'chenko
Vietnam........1................64-67kg....Nguyễn Minh Tính
Female Free Sparring Results:
Country Gold Champions
Vietnam........3...............Đỗ Hồng Ngọc, Thân Lại Kim Ngân
and Trần Huỳnh Thị Phương Thùy
Performance (Forms/Techniques) Results:
Country Gold Champions
Italy................2...............Arianna Pilenga (Female)
(Dragon Tiger Form/Long Hổ Quyền)
Iris Di Nardi (Female)
(Double Knife Form/Song Dao Pháp)
Norway..........1...............Ola Kja Omholt Dragon (Male)
(Tiger Form/Long Hổ Quyền)
Romania.......1...............Geluta Ciobotaru (Male)
(Ying Yang Sword Form/Tinh Hoa
Lưỡng Nghi Kiếm)
Summary of the International Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Meeting: The Setup of World Vovinam Federation and Vovinam Expansion Plan Timeline
(From CPV. Translated & summarized by Luyen Van Tran.)
Meeting Date: July 22, 2007
Attendees: Vietnam Sports Committee Representative(s), Vietnam Vovinam Federation Promoting Committee, Ho Chi Minh Sports Committee, Vovinam Representatives from the 20 nations participated in the 3rd World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Championship 2007
Summary of Meeting:
-Attended representatives standardized the plan for Vovinam expansion from now until 2009, and signed the Proposed Plan Agreement regarding the setup of the World Vovinam Federation.
-Standardized the topics and/contents of the first discussion/meeting regarding the laws/regulations and requirements of the World Vovinam Federation. The main topics are as follows: the headquarter of the World Vovinam Federation will reside in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pursue in organizing the official world Vovinam championships, world Vovinam youth championships, and other international Vovinam championships, organize the training for the referees and the coaches/instructors for the international level, pursue the introduction, expansion, and promotion of Vovinam in order to introduce Vovinam as an official sports in the regional, continental, and international olympics and/or championships like SEA Games, Asian Games-Asiad, Asian Indoor Games, Olympic, etc.
Below is the timeline of the standardized plan for Vovinam expansion from now until 2009:
03/2007 Establish Vietnam Vovinam Federation
2008 Establish the Continental Vovinam Federations for all 5 continents
2009 Establish World Vovinam Federation
2009 Host The 4th World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Championship 2009
11/2009 Introduce Vovinam as an official sport at The 3rd Asian Indoor Games 2009 in Ha Noi, Vietnam*
*According to the Asian Indoor Games Olympic Committee, Vovinam needs to have at least 5 nations participate in the competition in order to qualify as an official sport at The 3rd Asian Indoor Games 2009. The good news is that Vovinam already has 5 countries within the region participated in 3rd World Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Championship 2007. Those countries are Thailand, Cambodia, Philipines, Singapore, and Uzbekistan.
Latest news: Vovinam was chosen as an official sport at the Asian Indoor Games 2009 to be hosted by Viet Nam.
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Z wyjątkiem walk oczywiście.
Spox. :-)
Walka Ruska z Wietnamczykiem (nie z tych mistrzostw):
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Docelowi będzą to zdjecia
1 - Wietnam jako taki, nasze wyprawy
2 - Mistrzostwa Świata i ciekawostki zwiazane z nimi,
3 - Wizyta u Wielkiego Mistrza Le sang,
4 - nasz trening na Uniwersyteciue Huu Bang
Rysiu G. wstawi też kilka fleszy ku ciekawosci
za kilka dni jedziemy na klejną wyprawę tym razem Szwajcaria - nastawiliśmy się na walki. Docelowo pojedzie 15 osobowa ekipa - w tym kilku darmozjadow robiacych za działaczy.
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obiecuje lada moment uzupełnić strony zwiazku o zawody i wizyte w Wietnamie.
Teraz "zyjemy " wyjazem na zawody w Szwajcarii - zapowiada się ciekawie - jedzie 16 osob - wiekszosc walki
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mam nadzijeze bedziecie w takiej formie na mistrzostwach w szawjcarii - a przypominam 24 .11 juz za pasem
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Użytkownicy przeglądający ten temat: 1
0 użytkowników, 1 gości, 0 anonimowych
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