Fedor w oczach innych zawodników MMA
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Fedor is the best pfp fighter in the world
-Randy Couture, UFC HW Champion
Fedor is the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world aside from bj Penn, those 2 are the best fighters in the world.
-Rampage Jackson, #1 contender for UFC LHW title.
It's FEDOR dude!
-Eric Pele
He is the BEST
-Mark Coleman, former UFC HW Champion and Pride GP Champion
the best in the world, no doubt
-Phil Baroni
Look, I’ve fought many people from around the world, so I’ve seen many strong fighters. But like him, never
-Renato Sobral
Fedor is on top now, it's hard to beat him now
-Pedro Rizzo
NOBODY wants to fight fedor
-Wanderlei Silva, former Pride MW Champion and GP winner
Our great champion, he is the BEST in the world.
-Josh Barnett, former UFC HW Champion and adcc Champion
Fedor has no equals in Sambo or MMA
-Aleksander Mikhailin, 3-time World Judo Champion and Fedor's former training partner
Fedor would be absolutely great in k1
-Ernesto Hoost, 4-time k1 World Champion
Fedor has no weakness! I have seen so many fights, and even the best fighters in the world have a flaw in their game but I have yet to find one in Fedor Emelianenko.
– Bas Rutten, former king of Pancrese and UFC HW Champion FSN
probably the best ever lived….he’s a living legend right now and I don’t think there’s a man on this planet who can beat him; the man is unreal. Pound for pound the best in the world
–Diego Sanchez, hooterandgreenway radio show
Fedor is my favorite
-BJ Penn, former UFC Welterweight Champion and bjj world Champion, NWFS 7/9/06
Fedor is the most incredible fighter you'll ever see
-Frank Trigg
fedor is pound-for-pound best in the world
-Shamada (Pride referee)
Fedor is a machine
-Don Frye
The best fighter to climb into ANY areana is Emelianenko fedor. He is in his own league and you can't compare nobody.
-Kevin randleman, former UFC HW Champion
Fedor is just too dominant, too good at punching people in the face. The way he punches people man he's trying to kill people, with both hands. He's in a whole different class by himself.
-Brandon Vera
He is the best and undefeated... His striking game and his ground game is the best, so that's why he is the best... He is the sh*t
-Mark Hunt, k1 World Champion
Pozdro 600
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Niedlugo zaczna mu kontraktowac walki w stylu Mark Hunt+CroCop+Minotaur vs Fedor, zeby mial jakies wyzwanie
moze najpierw Fedor vs. Afrykański lew. If You know what I mean..
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dac o Fedorze
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Niedlugo zaczna mu kontraktowac walki w stylu Mark Hunt+CroCop+Minotaur vs Fedor, zeby mial jakies wyzwanie
dobry pomysl jedna runda z kazdym na zmiane az do momentu kiedy go ktorys zajebie albo fedor ich.
moze najpierw Fedor vs. Afrykański lew. If You know what I mean..
w przerwach fedor zamiast odpoczywac powinien spierdalac przed afrykanskim lwem naookolo ringu.
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to raczej lew by przed Fedorem spierdalal.w przerwach fedor zamiast odpoczywac powinien spierdalac przed afrykanskim lwem naookolo ringu.
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Wiem o co chodzi. Mowiac powaznie Fedor sobie w pelni zasluzyl by wypowiadac sie o nim w samych superlatywach.Fedor ma max warunki do walki,wspiol sie po szczeblach kariery i jest super fajterem.To jak sie maja wypowiadac. :roll:
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ten liger to niezłe bydlę
nie wiedziałem, ze takie coś istnieje
fedor vs liger ?
fedor by TKO 1R (G & P)

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