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Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight

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Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
Matt Lindland naprjwdopodobniej bedzie walczyc z Fedorem na kwietniowej karcie Bodoga w St.Petersburgu.Walka Monsona z Fedziem najprawdopodobniej sie nie odbedzie,zamiast tego Monson moze walczyc z jego bratem Aleksandrem na tej samej gali w kwietniu.
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
Jedyna skuteczna taktyka na Fedora to czekać, aż zejdzie ze starości :) . Ale fajnie - lubię oglądać jego walki. Szkoda, że nie będzie walczył z Fedorem :( .
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
*Szkoda, że nie będzie walczył z Cro Copem :oops:
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
Mirek moim zdaniem da rade każdemu :) tylko walka w parterze to nie jest jego styl :) kickboxing 100% stójka :) Fedora cenie i lubie, ale Cro Cop jest swój ziom :)
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
baaaardzo na temat skylark... :roll:
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
Walka bez sensu. Lindland nie ma nic czym mógłby pokonać Fedora, który chyba będzie chciał pokazać się jak najlepiej po niezbyt dla niego udanej walce z Huntem(pomimo wygranej). Na Fedora tylko silny bjjowiec
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
tez uwazam, ze tylko najlepszy bjjowiec bedzie w stanie wyklepac fedora (trojkat)... takich w mma jest tylko 2: werdum i roger. ale zaden z nich nie jest jeszcze gotowy na fedora. moze za rok lub 2.

sa osoby, ktore twierdza, ze na fedora najlepiej wyposcic zajebistego zapasiora z mocna obrona przed balachami. lindland spelnia te warunki, jednak waga zrobi swoje...
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
Na Fiodora bjj nie działa. Mocny zapas też nie za bardzo. Na niego trzeba kogoś w stylu Mirka F. Nic innego nie widzę... ;)
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight

Just weeks ago, Olympic Silver Medalist Matt Lindland revealed he had inked a deal to fight at heavyweight the number one-ranked heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko for BodogFight's April 9th pay-per-view in St. Petersburg, Russia. Lindland, a stalwart middleweight who has twice made the jump to the 205-pound class, will be expected to give up at least 20 pounds to the Russian champion.

Fresh off a win against Mark Hunt at Pride's recent Shockwave card, Emelianenko spoke to FCF about the unusual fight, his thoughts on Lindland, and his current fighting life.

FCF: What are you doing in St. Petersburg now?
FE: I am dealing with my teeth right now, some dental work. I've been delaying it for a long time so I have to take care of it right now.

FCF: Your team, the Red Devil Sport Club, was featured on Bodogfight. Can you describe how your relationship with them developed and how they asked you to fight?
FE: I have the best relationship with Bodog fight right now. I don't remember very well, but I think they first asked me to fight before the Costa Rica fight. (Note: Emelianenko is most likely referring to the first season of BodogFight, shot in Costa Rica)

FCF: What were your first thoughts when you learned you would be fighting Matt Lindland?
FE: Unfortunately, I haven't seen his fights, so I can't say much about this right now. I've only heard a lot of good things about him. I know he's a very good fighter. He has shown good results as a fighter.

FCF: Your previously scheduled opponent, Jeff Monson, also had a strong wrestling and submission background. Matt Lindland is an Olympic Silver Medalist in wrestling. Are you adjusting your training to fit his style? Will your preparation be similar to your fight with Mark Coleman, who was also a strong wrestler?
FE: Of course my preparation changes depending on who I'm fighting with, and I'm trying to find out what kind of a fighter I have to fight with, what he's strong in, if it's more of the sparring I have to work on. But no matter who I'm going to fight, I'm trying to be prepared with everything.

FCF: Do you feel Lindland is a challenge for you? Are there any ways you think he is dangerous to you?
FE: I know he is a silver medalist, and that he is a champion. I know it's going to be a serious fight. I really don't know what kind of threat he presents. But in all my fights I'm always ready for the worst, to deal with anything.

FCF: You've had a couple of injuries to your hand and your toe in the past year. Are you currently injury free? Have there been any complications in your hand since your surgery?
FE: My foot is completely healed. But one of my fingers is not back to normal, it's not 100-percent. Much better than before the surgery, but not 100-percent.

FCF: Did it get aggravated in your last fight with Mark Hunt?
FE: No, it's something I aggravated before. It's unpleasant because I feel pain whenever I have to hit something with my hand.

FCF: Would you say these injuries were caused by your style of training? Have you adjusted your training since to be more careful of injuries?
FE: I really don't want to think about my injuries, especially when I'm fighting, I usually don't think about it. I just want to do a 100-percent job.

FCF: What did you take away from fighting in the United States last October? How were the American fans compared to the Japanese fans?
FE: It was really nice to see how the American public reacted. American fans are probably closer to [Russian] fans in general than the Japanese, or others, in the way they show emotions.

FCF: As the heavyweight champion, you live an extremely busy life. How do you balance your personal life and your fighting life?
FE: I never thought about it. Of course it takes a lot of time, training and work, so sometimes there's not enough time for [my] personal private life.

FCF: You've said in previous interviews that being able to outthink your opponent in the ring is one of the keys to victory. You're an avid chess player. Do you see your fights as a chess match?
FE: No, I don't. Chess is more to pass the time, and it's my hobby. I like it.

FCF: You've said that perfection in MMA is creating a fighting spirit. Who shaped your fighting spirit?
FE: First of all I worked on it myself. And of course, my coaches. They teach me and direct me.

FCF: Yes, but what gives you your toughness and calmness inside the ring?
FE: It's my life. It's my personality. I'm very calm and sure of myself by nature.

FCF: You've beaten most of the top fighters in the world. You've been the Pride Heavyweight Champion for over three years. Is it ever a challenge to keep yourself motivated when you've already faced the toughest opposition?
FE: First of all, there are a lot of boys that are coming up behind me, so I'm an example to them. I know that as long as I'm at the top, I show them a way, I tell them what they need to be like. Also, it's a good thing for me to know that when I win, it's Russia that I represent. And people know about Russia through knowing me.

FCF: Would you like to see mixed martial arts become an Olympic sport in the future?
FE: Of course I would. That would be great.

FCF: Do you see yourself transitioning to being a coach after your fighting career is over?
FE: It's possible, but I'm not through yet. I'm already teaching some boys a little bit, but not much.

FCF: Are you training with your brother at all?
FE: No, not really.

FCF: Do you miss your brother's presence in your training?
FE: We had a kind of a misunderstanding and a quarrel, and I'm not missing him at the moment.

FCF: Any word from Pride on your next opponent?
FE: No, not right now. I know nothing yet. Pride wants me to fight Josh Barnett or Rulon Gardner. [Gardner] is the Olympic champion.

FCF: If you have to fight Josh Barnett, will it be harder to fight him because you're friends?
FE: Of course I won't like to fight against Josh because we're friends. But I'm not thinking about this fight yet.

FCF: Do you have a message for Matt Lindland?
FE: First of all, I want to wish him good luck. I hope that the fight takes place and nobody's hurt too much, and both of us show a beautiful fight.
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
A może da rade Fedorowi ;) chociaz wydaje mi sie ze to bedzie trwało krótko :)
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Re: Prawdopodobna walka:Fedor vs Lindland -Bodog fight
Najlepiej zrobi jak sie od razu znokautuje wlasnym suplesem...
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