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Re: Mistrzostwa Europy VVNVVD w Belgii
Scoring areas on the body :
The target areas on the body, where a fighter can hit to score points are the front upper body - two sides of the rip area; on the face: from the front [base of hair scalp] down, and from the temples down; neck [except back of the neck]; chest, and stomach area only to the belt area.
Punches and kicks must clearly strike the targeted area not to be blocked, catched, deflected, warded off or stopped.
Kicks and punches to the shoulders, arms, hands, back, buttocks, and the back of the neck are not to be counted as points.
Scores determination method :
The scores are calculated on the base of one (1) set of attack and are following the scoring categories established as:
Fight winning point score - 5 points - 2 points - 1 point - and Minus points.
1 point score:
1. A 1 point score is awarded when a single hand strike or single leg strike clearly hits the intended target on the scoring areas of the body (it will only count 1 point whether one or multiple hits applied).
2. If at the end of a round, neither side has gained any points, then the side that attacked more or had the domination on the fight will be awarded with one point.
3. When causing the opponent to fall during an attack or counter attack using punch, kick, sweep, throw ...
2 points score:
1. A 2 point score is awarded when a fighter attacks or counter-attacks using multiple-strikes combination with both legs and arms with a minimum of 2 movements that hit the targeted areas (If the athlete only uses arms, or only uses legs he will be awarded only with 1 point) .
2. Correct application of the "Dá chém quét" technique on either left or right side (chien luoc 2, 3, ...) causing the opponent to fall down.
3. Correct application of the left or right side "chém triet" technique causing the opponent to fall down (cannot ["vat"] catch or hug each other and then throw).
4. Clean kicks to the face of the opponent will be awarded with 2 points.
5 points score:
1. Applied effectively VOVINAM "Don chan tan cong" from 1 to 10 causing the opponent to fall down.
2. Struck effectively and clearly showed "chien luoc" from 1 to 20 (for "chien luoc from 11 to 20, competitor only needs to apply effectively one side).
3. Applied effectively VOVINAM "Don chan tan cong" from 11 to 21 hitting the opponent causing him/her to fall down but could not lock the legs or fallen on top of the opponent.
4. Struck the opponent with strong force that caused him/her to fall down so the Referee counted to till 8, but the opponent can stand up and continue the fight.
5. Applied correctly and effectively basic "phan don" (level 1 and level 2, etc.)
Match Winning point score:
This score is earned when a fighter can apply effectively any of the "Don chan tan cong" from 11 to 21, with legs still clearly locked on the neck after the opponent has fallen to the ground. In that case, the competitor who earns this score will win the fight even though he/she has less points than his opponent. The fight is over. If the opponent had fallen onto the competitor or if the competitor's legs are not locked after the opponent fell, then he/she will only have earned 5 points and the fight will continue untill the normal end.
This score is also earned when there is a knock-out, after the ten (10) counts from the Referee of the Match (approximately 10 seconds). The fight is over and the winner is announced.
Minus points:
1. When a fighter falls out of boundary: minus 1 point (both feet step outside the boundary is considered out-of-bound).
2. When a fighter is reprimanded ("canh cáo") by the referee: minus 2 points.
The following situations will not cause any lost of points:
1. When the attacker falls down or when he is out-of-bound while he was attacking with legs techniques.
2. When a competitor is purposefully pushed out-of-bound by his/her opponent.
3. When a competitor attacks his/her opponent causing him/her to run out-of-bound along with the opponent.
The following situations will not count as a point:
1. Hugging, tugging, pulling, pushing causing the opponent to fall down or to be out-of-bound.
2. Falling with the opponent during an attack.
3. A competitor may lie down to sweep the opponent; if the opponent falls, then a point is earned but if the opponent falls onto the competitor, then there is no point given.
4. When using the "dá che" (splitting kick or axe kick) and hit the opponent.
Fallen down by being struck:
An athlete/competitor is considered being fallen down when this athlete/competitor, after being attacked, touches the ground with any body parts other than his/her two feet.
Scores Recording instructions:
- 1, 2 : When an athlete/competitor attacks using hand/kick striking on the permissible areas.
- 1, 2 : When an athlete is fallen (write an underline).
- 2 : When an athlete kicks to the head/face (writing a number "2" with a line on the top).
- Minus point(s) : Must be recorded in the "minus points column" of the affected athlete/competitor.
- "canh cáo" : Must be recorded in the "canh cáo (reprimand) column.
29. Results of the match :
29.1 About fights that are finished normally in time
Winning by points: The athlete/competitor who earned the most points will be declared the winner of the fight.
Tie/draw match: The tie/draw match is given only in exhibition fights. In an official tournament, there shall be no tie/draw fights. In the event there is a tie, the Corner referees will determine the winner of the fight based on the following characteristics, form the most important to the less important one:
The athlete who wins at the last round.
Whoever attacked more during the fight.
Whoever defended himself/herself better.
The athlete/competitor that demonstrated superior sportsmanship attitude, receiving lesser reprimands.
Flip the coin.
With fights that end before time:
Winning by default:
- If the name an athlete/competitor is called three times by the announcer and the called competitor does not enter on the fight stage, his opponent will be declared winner.
- If after a round´s one minute break a competitor doesn´t come back into the fight stage; or if he/she decides to quit in the middle of the match.
- If the team leader requested to end the fight.
Winning by stopping the match:
- If the Doctor referee decides to end the fight due to a serious injury of an athlete/competitor,
- If an athlete receives too many strikes due to a clear technical inferiority.
Winning by KO (knock-out) [Do ván] :
When an athlete falls and lies down on the floor after receiving a correctly executed technique, if the athlete is disoriented and could not recover after the counts of 10 (approximately 10 seconds) his opponent will win by KO [Do ván].
Winning by disqualification:
During the fight, if an athlete is disqualified [Truat quyen] for any reason, the opposing athlete is declared the winner of the fight.
Results of the match: the end of the match:
All Corner referees must give their scoring cards to the Referee of the fight.
Then the Referee will carry the score cards to the Chief of Referees in order to inspect and validate them.
The Announcer will declare the winner after all Corner Referees had raised the flag of the color of the winning athlete/competitor (blue or red).
An athlete/competitor is violating the fighting rules when committing the following violations:
Attacking the opponent in illegal areas, such as: Throat, back of the neck, genital area, or using elbows and knees to attack the opponent, except in the case of applying "chien luoc" 1, 7,14, ...
Applying headlocks and then kneeing or using knees and elbows at the same time.
It´s prohibited for an athlete/competitor to wrestling, to use hands to hold, lock and/or pull the opponent.
Attacking the opponent after he/she has fallen down.
Continuing to attack after the Referee had given the "stop" command [Ngung], or attacking prior to the explicit command to fight of the Referee [Dau].
When the athlete doesn´t step back, but instead attacks, right after the Referee ordered "dang ra" (yang ra).
Exhibiting violent and vulgar behaviors.
Faking being injured, purposefully assuming defensive posture untill the end, lacking of desire to participate.
It´s prohibited to use any kind of drugs or illegal substances.
Any athlete who violate the aforementioned rules and regulations will be disciplined by the Referee of the fight according to the severity of the violation.
Nhac nho (warning); canh cáo (reprimand); truat quyen thi dau (disqualification):
1. Three "Nhac nho" = One "canh cáo". For the first "canh cáo", the competitor will loose two points.
2. If two "canh cáo" are given, the athlete is disqualified.
The Referee of will disqualify [truat quyen thi dau] an athlete immediately when:
The athlete/competitor is disobedient to the Referee´s command.
The athlete/competitor exhibits vulgar gestures or language that insult the Referee(s), the audience, or the opponent. An athlete will also be disqualified if he/she used illegal means to knock-down his/her opponent (If this one could not stand up after 10 counts of the Referee).
3. The athlete/competitor who knowingly violates rules 30.1, 30.5, 30.6, 30.8 shall be reprimanded or be disqualified without giving any reminder.