Roberto Atalla back in Poland in october
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Sorry I have to post this in english as I cannot write in Polish yet :wink:
I want you guys to know that Im very happy to announce that Im coming back to Poland in october for 3 more weeks teaching and training. I will be visiting my students in Wroclaw, Lublin, Zawiercie, Lubliniec, Gliwice and Dabrowa Gornicza as well as doing classes in other places like Raciborz and anywhere possible during my stay.
It will be my fourth time in Poland and I believe no other brazilians are more commited to improve the BJJ in Poland than me and as a proof I've been always charging affordable prices and teach and train as much as possible during my time in your lovely country, not only in schools linked to me but also anywhere that people are training BJJ and Submission Grappling.
I ask anyone interested in my classes to post here and email Krystian Kwiecen to arrange a visit to your place.
Also, to my students in Gliwice I ask if they read that, to email me as urgent as possible their information so I can update my website this week with this (I need the website URL, the email contact and full name of the instructors as they wish to appear in my page)
Im soon lauching the blog of our team and all our instructors will be able to blog there local info there.
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Looking forward to learn more stuff, specially the stuff Fiodor taught me, that one I dont forget anymore

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Can't wait till october the last seminar was realy great

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I am already in Denmark and soon will make my reservations to fly to Poland, probably arriving first days of October or even late September.

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Well i can't wait till October

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Oto lista miast, które odwiedzi Roberto!
Początek semin. 02.10 2006
D.Górnicza 5dni
Lublin 3dni
Bydgoszcz 4dni
Wrocław 5dni
Dokładne daty seminariów i kolejność miast, będa podane wkrótce!
Ilość dni w poszczególnych miastach mogą ulec zmianie.
Wszystkich, którzy chcieliby zaprość Roberto na seminarium proszę o kontakt pod nr.
693 399 611 Krystian.
Pozdrawiam! Krystian
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Oto dokładna lista miast i daty seminariów z Roberto Atalla!
2-6 pażdziernika- Dąbrowa Górnicza info. 502785561 Roman
7- Racibórz info. info. 888505423 Jabu
9-12 Bydgoszcz info. 607081051 Piotr
13- Zawiercie info. 693399611 Krystian
14-15 Gliwice info. 510414458 Krzysiek
16- Lubliniec info. 693399611 Krystian
18-19 Lublin info. 609763159 Fiodor
20-26 Wrocław info. 665362597 Maciek
Pozdrawiam Krystian
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14-15 Gliwice info. 510414458 Arek (nie krzysiek
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ile kosztuje seminarium we wrocku?
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wtorek 19:00
sroda 19:00
czwartek 20:00
piatek 20:30
Użytkownicy przeglądający ten temat: 1
0 użytkowników, 1 gości, 0 anonimowych
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