ok, juz sam znalazlem ...fedor z mirko powalcza dopiero 26 sierpnia ...no ale dobre i to , tymczasem na tej gali mirko ma zawalczyc z kims ze 'stajni' Fedora ...hmm zobaczymy
Mirko Filipović has returned from Cannes (film festival) and he is back in his full training for June's fight in Saitama Arena (Tokyo). The date has been settled long time ago:
"One thing is for sure, I will fight someone from Fedor's team" said CroCop and also mentioned his title fight against Fedor: "It's finally confirmed. After waiting for my title shot so long, I will finally meet Fedor in the ring in August 28th. I was really frustrated about all this but now I'm much more calm."
How are the preparations going ?
"Well, the time is flying fast so 26th of June isn't so far away. I'm preaparing as usual, little with my sparring partners, punching the bag and so on. I'm sorry I wont' participate with my football club Cibalia in our project to return in HNL (1st Croatian Football League) because there is a possibilty I might get injured. But I will be with the guys and will be cheering for them."