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  • Lokalizacja:Noresund/ Trójmiasto

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jakie znacie niedozwolone w walce sportowej chwyty (rzuty, dzwignie duszenia) ktore wystepuja w judo? (nie chodzi o techniki innych systemow tylko te do ktorych "judo" sie przyznaje, ze swoja nazwa, metodyka nauczania itd)
czy moze jest tak ze wszystkie techniki obecne w judo musi sie dac zastosowac w randori zgodnie z przepisami walki? (nie liczac atemi-waza)
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  • Użytkownik
  • PipPipPipPip
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  • Lokalizacja:Sopot

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Re: niedozwolone...
Najblizej mi znane techniki:
Dołączona grafika
Dołączona grafika

Do tego moge zacytowac fragmen tekstu:

(Grave Infringements Group)
24) To apply Kawazu-gake. (To throw the opponent by winding one leg around the opponent's leg, while facing more or less in the same direction as the opponent and falling backwards onto him). Even if the thrower twists/turns during the throwing action, this should still be considered “Kawazu-gake” and be penalised. Techniques such as Osoto-gari, Ouchi-gari, and Uchi-mata where the foot/leg is entwined with opponent’s leg will be permitted and should be scored.
25) To apply Kansetsu-waza anywhere other than to the elbow joint.
26) To lift off the Tatami the opponent who is lying on the Tatami and to drive him back onto the Tatami.
27) To reap the opponents supporting leg from the inside when the opponent is applying a technique such as Harai-goshi etc.
28) To disregard the Referee's instructions.
29) To make unnecessary calls, remarks or gestures derogatory to the opponent or Referee during the contest.
30) To make any action which may endanger or injure the opponent especially the opponent's neck or spinal vertebrae, or may be against the spirit of Judo.
31) To fall directly to the Tatami while applying or attempting to apply techniques such as Ude-hishigi-waki-gatame. (To attempt such throws as Harai-goshi, Uchi-mata, etc., with only one hand gripping the opponent's lapel from a position resembling Ude-hishigi- waki-gatame (in which the wrist of the opponent is trapped beneath the thrower's armpit) and deliberately falling, face down, onto the Tatami is likely to cause injury and will be penalised. No intent to throw an opponent cleanly onto his back is a dangerous action and will be treated in the same way as Ude-hishigi-waki-gatame.)
32) To "dive" head first, onto the Tatami by bending forward and downward while performing or attempting to perform techniques such as Uchimata, Harai-goshi, etc. or to fall directly backwards while performing or attempting to perform techniques such as Kata-guruma whether standing or kneeling.
33) To intentionally fall backwards when the other contestant is clinging to his back and when either contestant has control of the other's movement.
34) To wear a hard or metallic object (covered or not).

Tak wiec niedozwolone sa nie tylko pewne techniki lecz takze pewne zachowania, strategie obrony i ucieczki.
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  • Użytkownik
  • PipPipPip
  • 233 postów
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  • Lokalizacja:kraków gł.

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Re: niedozwolone...
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