Pride 28 - relacja (po angielsku)
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jak myslicie bedzie szybka piłka czy beda sie chlopaki meczyc :wink:
P.S. Juz myslalem ze prawie nikt tu nie zaglada
Ja myśle że będzie krótka piłka
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Round 1
Bobish goes right for the clinch, eats some knees....they hit the ground and hunt is up first.....Bobish rushes him into the ring and Hunt lands several puches on the wa back...they hit the corner and Bobish is busted open....perhaps by a knee....and time stop for doc check
Bobish picks hunt up and throws him....he is working hard, because of the blood no doubt....Hunt looks fine////restart in the middle Bobish on top
Hunt turtles and eats some knees 4 ....6.....not clean but Hunt can`t get up
Hunt is getting pounded on but doesnz@t look hurt...yet...they restart in the middle and Hunt gets right to his feet,,,,Bob looks tired
Bob goes for the arm which Hunt pulls out of...Bob laying in side just hittingaway....Hunt gives his back, pulls out of two cranks, and is turled again...5 minutes gone
Hunt grabs a leg to throw but Bob is too damned big.........Hunt STANDS up...pulls out and it is on the feet
Bob rushes at half speed....Hunt kicks, throws drop knees, soccer kicks....and Bobish is fucked....KTFO
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tak bardzo ładnie z jego stronyHunt wygrywa przez KO!
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20 min. przerwy, ide po herbate
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chyba nie bedzie mógł jesćBobish po walce pewnie poleciał po kanapke
Użytkownicy przeglądający ten temat: 1
0 użytkowników, 1 gości, 0 anonimowych
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