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Fedor Emelianenko - wywiad

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Fedor Emelianenko - wywiad

K. Final fight of Grand prix of heavyweights "Pride" which should reveal the strongest person among 6 billion people, has come to the end with unexpected result.
F. Yes, it so. Such result nobody could assume. Certainly, carrying out actually fight I and Noguejra too.

K. To collision was incident but how it seems to you why it has taken place?
F. I think, that in this world can take place anything you like. But concerning that episode I can not pick up other word, except for as "bad luck". I with the purpose of drawing impact have sharply advanced. And Noguejra used new tactics: when I beat, it lifted a head. Therefore and such result. You have felt

K. What at the moment of collision?
F. Basically, I have felt nothing. Pains too were not.

K. No such wound... She deep enough...
F. Yes, a wound deep, but I do not feel such pain.

K. You want to tell, what could continue fight?
F. I still could continue fight. I would like, that fight has proceeded.

K. You has afflicted result " no contest "?
F. I have been very much afflicted. Not one I, think, that fans tested the same feelings. In fact so many fans were going to look, who all the same the strongest among humanity. In this connection to me it is awkward before fans.

K. If by was not that incident how you think, with what result fight would end?
F. I cannot do such assumptions. Also I do not want. Fight has come to the end with result " no contest ". To. From your party there were many impacts " in a jump ".

K. It is strategy?
F. Both at Noguejra, and I had other strategy, rather than in our past fight. I think, that it is natural. Next time, probably, there will be other strategy.

K. You progress, battling with each other. Fight proceeded not for long, but was very entertainment under the maintenance.
F. If it has come to the end productively, it would be wonderful.

K. Noguejra tried to lead reception on a leg, with which so famous sambo-wrestling. You were not surprised? F. Not at all. Yes, receptions on a leg is a feature of sambo-wrestling but who would not use them, in it there is nothing surprising.

K. If I am not mistaken, you have received a section in fight the second time (the first has been received in fight with Tsuyoshi Kohsaka on December, 22, 2000, on tournament "Ringz" under the name "Cook").
F. To was the forbidden attack. For any 17 seconds to me have awarded technical defeat (TKO) when the contender has lead the impact by an elbow forbidden by rules. I think, that many Japanese fans remember this episode. I do not recognize this defeat.

K. Good, let's not continue conversation on that meeting. Excites probability of occurrence of similar incident once again more.
F. Yes, incidents occur when necessary. It is impossible to assert, that time this time so has taken place, next time will not take place any more. Rules should be consecutive. It is necessary to provide various situations.

K . I understand ! We shall hope in this respect on DSE. How to you fight with Ogava? It is very difficult for F. In a complicated manner to analyze the Ogava. Because it has lead all some fights on this ring. I can tell, that I respect that fact, that it became the world champion and the silver medallist of Olympiad. Besides his manner of conducting fight with Stefan Leko was magnificent. It has shown power, having put such fighter, a world level, as Stefan, with the help of impacts. In fight with it I about it remembered.

K. In short, you were afraid of "crazy" impact? From the party it seems, what you have very easily won that fight, but actually all could at all so will end?
F. Not has understood sense of a question. You believe, that there was a probability of what I shall lose?

K. Yes.
F. Known is result. There is no sense now to think " and if ", etc. The Result is result. All shows a ring. I do not like to speak about things in a subjunctive mood.

K. Completely with you agrees. But all the same it would be desirable to make different assumptions, let it and is useless. F. I understand. Everyone is free to do assumptions. But I, as the person from the world of fights, do not love it. Only and only.

K. What you think of carrying out Ogava "hassuru" after fight?
F. ... It (is dared).

K. And at parting, if there is any message to fans, ask you.
F. Apologize to that could not appear at you today as champion Gran-pri "Pride" in heavy weight. But I promise, that I shall lead fight with Noguejra as soon as possible. A wound to me have sewed up, problems are not present, probably, at once I can start trainings. And also I want to express huge gratitude to all fans for their warm support. Has this time failed, but in the near future I want to show fight which will place all points above "i". I think, fight again will be very complex, but in any case I hope for your support. Arigato!

K. We also we hope for carrying out of repeated fight.

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Re: Fedor Emelianenko - wywiad
Kurde jakie makabryczne tłumaczenie bo nikt mi nie powie, że ktoś może w ten spsób porozumiewać się po angielsku.

P.S. Dzięki za wywiad z moim ulubieńcem :)
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Re: Fedor Emelianenko - wywiad
Pewnie na angielski tłumacyzł to sam Fiodor ;)
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Re: Fedor Emelianenko - wywiad
Tarciu FEDOR ... Bo Cie Fiodor z banki skarci :D .
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Re: Fedor Emelianenko - wywiad
Kule za wiele nie zrozumiałem.... ale AVE Fedor :)
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