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Interview with Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira after his fight against Fedor from Kakutogi Tsuushin.
Translated by Miho
Interviewer: You left arena after the match vs.Fedor, had no comment to make on it. Do you have a cool head now?
Nogueira: I’m disappointed with the result.....
I: Fedor’s cut from headbutt put a stop to the game. How did you feel right after the game put an end by ring doctors?
N: I was thinking the game was going on so I kept bouncing around to get ready for the rest. I wanted to continue fighting. Do you know how much I trained for this time? Nobody will understand how I feel now.
I: After the game was stopped, you were taking a pose like you were sure of your winning.
N: I was absolutely confident in my victory. I still believe I beat Fedor. ‘cause the game was stopped by doctors, it should not be ruled a No-Contest. Yes, the game might have been ruled as a non contest if Fedor did not take a headbutt intentionally, he was trying to butt into me.
I: eh? Fedor did it with intent?
N: I was just trying to go behind him but he headbutted me to not let me to do so. You can check out the video and see what I wanna try to say, do you wanna watch that now? I have it here.
I: Yes please.
N: See what I mean? You can tell he intentionally was trying to hit his head on me. Right?
I: Yea…it’s certainly right when you catch hold of his right arm, usually his body moves to his right side. I mean, of course this happens in the case of when he does not resist…
N: As you see, his body set the same direction of my body position. This can prove he butted me.
I: How do you call this technique?
N: It’s called an Armed leg. I guess it’s called the same in wrestling. It’s a popular technique in jujitsu as well- catching of opponent’s right arm and go behind him. I’ve already used it in the match vs. Yokoi and vs. Kikuta. Anyway Fedor did it on purpose. He tried to keep the position in his wrong way so it’s not too much to say that he lost a game on a foul. I only want to emphasize and fans to know on this point.
I: You consider he did it with intent, it was not accidental batting. N: Like the same thing happened in UFC too. Randy Couture injured his eye cause Victor’s striking, you remember?
I: Yes. The match was in January this year.
N: I know butting and striking are different but Randy got cut in first round and Vitor got a belt. I think my situation was quite the same to what happened between Randy and Vitor.
I: I see. You think the game was going on as you expected until doctor stopped it?
N: Until yes, everything went through as I planned
I: You are saying everything was ok, but you were fixed a lower position like in the match last year. I think you had to be more careful of his pound..?
N: I was keeping moving even I was in a lower position. He pounded me but just one strike took me.
I: You mean you had a confidence for not been striking?
N: I had a quite different strategy for this time. I was always trying to move for the time being and at the same time I was ready to make a move the instant I was given a chance.
I: I could see a lot of your techniques, which are like diving style. Is that one of your strategy?
N: That’s right. We might have stuck if I used normal closed guard ‘cause Russians got some power. So I attempted to dive into him to break his pace. This attempt has been proved effective.
I: You mentioned in the pre-fight interview that Kharitonov is good at striking better than Fedor. But as the way you did like you were watching for a chance to take Fedor down and Kharitonov by striking.N: I wanted to finish Kharitonov via striking ‘cause I have confidence in my striking which is far above that of his. And I also wanted to save my power.
I: Save your power?
N: I didn’t force myself to take him through submissions ‘cause there was a possibility to loose my stamina. If that was one match I might have tried to finish him with my whole heart but this time was a tourney. On the contrary vs.Fedor was a final so I wanted to tackle and finish him as soon as I can.
I: So the game plan was perfect for both matches?
N: Actually during the match against Fedor, I thought I could finish him. I was in better condition than last time.
I: I was surprised when you faced Kharitonov, you came running to the ring and returned running to the dressing room.
N: ‘cause I got so excited. I wanted that belt so bad. (laughs) I was in a best condition ever and got much confidence this time. I’m pissed off with the result. I’m sort of satisfied with the content of fighting so I feel even more so.
I: Fedor said that he was proceeding with a game in his favor until doctor stopped it.
N: He just doesn’t know what techniques are. (laughs) He didn’t notice my attacking from lower position was the attacking. I think people who watched the game might have noticed that he run out of his stamina as time goes by.
I: Did you feel any of his development compared with when you fought him last time?
N: He is getting used to the game like he finishes by submission etc. But I’m much more improving. I had such feelings in the game.
I: Hmmm…so this outcome is really frustrating, not only for you but everybody of us wanted a conclusion.
N: Yea. I think there was a misconception between fighters and DSE. But in my opinion I tried to use my technique and he intentionally did a headbutt. That’s all I want to say.
I: What kind of talk did you have after the game was stopped?N: I didn’t have any explanation directly from DSE. I wanted to leave the ring as soon as possible after the guys in my corner had told me the reason why I can not continue fighting. So I just left with no comment.
I: I know this time was a biggest chance for you to be conferred the title of one out of six billion.
N: I think no.1 has already decided. I won by TKO by doctor’s stop. I became the strongest man that night.
I: DSE made a comment that rematch will take place within a year. Fedor already agreed with it too.
N: I can not make such an important decision by myself. I gotta talk with my manager. But personally I do not mind in the least.
I: You said you wanted to have a vacation with your daughter after the tourney so isn’t it difficult for you to raise your motivation again?N: I already made a promise to take her to Disneyworld in Florida. That’s my No.1 priority. (laughs) It’s not that difficult to raise my motivation again.
I: So you are toughest man in the world now, who do you think you should face next? (laughs)
N: I will fight a Martian. (laughs) Just kiddin’. I know there are still more tough fighters in MMA.