Former boxing champ Bowe set for comeback
By Dan Rafael, USA TODAY
Former undisputed heavyweight champion Riddick Bowe, who hasn't fought in 7½ years and been dogged by questions about possible brain damage, is coming out of retirement.
His comeback, a 10-rounder to be announced today, will be Sept. 25 against a foe to be named at Fire Lake Casino, a Native American gambling hall in Shawnee, Okla.
"He's coming back. Bowe is really excited about it," manager Jimmy Adams told USA TODAY from Oklahoma, where he was finalizing details. Bowe was due in Oklahoma late Wednesday.
Bowe (40-1, 32 KOs), who turned 37 Aug. 10, was released from federal prison in mid-May after serving 17 months for kidnapping his first wife, Judy Bowe, and their five children in 1998.
Bowe served the final month of an 18-month sentence in home detention, where he trained. Adams said Bowe entered prison at 325 pounds and now weighs 255.
During his trial, the judge issued an order barring Bowe from boxing because of possible brain damage suffered while fighting. At the time of his prison release, Bowe lawyer Steven Silverman said the order had been withdrawn.
"We went to George Washington University and had every test done possible. That was our first step, to make sure he was fit to box," Adams said. "He got cleared by everybody."
Fire Lake marketing director Brad Peltier said the tribal boxing commission welcomed Bowe. "The only thing we're concerned about is that Riddick passes a neurological exam," he said. "We want to make sure he is healthy. We don't want any problems."

Riddrick Bowe zdecydowany na powrót
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Pamietam go, jego swietne dwie walki z Gołota i Holyfieldem, pamietam jak był WILEKI MISTRZEM HW i jego pseudo "Big Deddy" :wink: (czy jak to się pisze).
Moze coś jeszcze pokaze, choc watpie... :? 8)
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7,5 roku przerwy to dużo. Po 2-3 latach przerwy to się wraca bez problemu, jeżeli się dbało o formę ale po 7,5. Zresztą piszą tam, że w bardzo latała mu waga (1/4 tego, co waży teraz nosił jako sadło). Zresztą i tak teraz waży więcej niż w tej pierwszej walce z Gołotą. A przecież w tej walce mu nie szło głównie przez wagę.
Czyli wróci koleś 37-letni, po 7,5 latach przerwy, grubszy niż kiedykolwiek a i tak odchudzony o 1/4. :?
A był dobry. Wygrał 2x z Holyfieldem, raz z Holyfieldem przegrał minimalnie po 12 rundach, wygrał z Tubbsem, Seldonem, Fergussonem. Tylko z Gołotą szło mu słabiej.

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Fajnie, że na tym forum jest ktos taki jak Ty!Pożyjemy, zobaczymy.
7,5 roku przerwy to dużo. Po 2-3 latach przerwy to się wraca bez problemu, jeżeli się dbało o formę ale po 7,5. Zresztą piszą tam, że w bardzo latała mu waga (1/4 tego, co waży teraz nosił jako sadło). Zresztą i tak teraz waży więcej niż w tej pierwszej walce z Gołotą. A przecież w tej walce mu nie szło głównie przez wagę.
Czyli wróci koleś 37-letni, po 7,5 latach przerwy, grubszy niż kiedykolwiek a i tak odchudzony o 1/4. :?
A był dobry. Wygrał 2x z Holyfieldem, raz z Holyfieldem przegrał minimalnie po 12 rundach, wygrał z Tubbsem, Seldonem, Fergussonem. Tylko z Gołotą szło mu słabiej.
Ta jego pierwsz walka z z Holym..echch palce lizać

A co do tego, ze mu "tylko" z Gołota nie szło, to niezapominaj o tym, ze na olimpiadzie zaliczył cieżki nokałt od Lennox-a. Ale wiem, wiem, boks amatorski to trohe inna sprawa, choc to zależy od przypadku.
Bo np. taki Harrison złoty medalista, teraz leje jakis kelnerów, ma jakis mało wartosciowy pas i za bardzo sam nie wie do czego zmierza. Ale np. taki mistrz wagi cieżkiej podajze z Seulu, Mercer, przez kilka lat królował w U.S.A w HW, praktyczni rok po zdobyciu medalu zdobył pas IBF.
Pozdrawiam muchol!
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The Return of Riddick Bowe
By Bert Randolph Sugar, CMXsports (August 27, 2004)
Over the years “retired” boxers have come back more times than Frank Sinatra and Sarah Bernhardt combined, the number of those trying to stuff the toothpaste back into the tube extending far out to sea, well beyond the 12-mile limit. Most come back for the money. Some, like “Sugar” Ray Leonard, come back simply because they miss the roar of the crowd, if not necessarily the smell of the greasepaint. And, of course, there’s George Foreman, who, even today, with tongue not far removed from cheek, continues to hint at a comeback, even at the advanced age of 55, just to keep his name in the news and, not incidentally, sell more grills--or whatever else he is pushing at the time.
Now comes word that one-time heavyweight champ Riddick Bowe is making a comeback after an eight-year absence from the ring. When asked “why,” Bowe sounded like a little boy minimizing a bad school report, saying he was “persuaded” to retire and now is “bored.”
When last seen in the ring some eight years ago, Bowe, whose record stands at 40-1 with 32 KOs, was barely standing. Instead, he was bent over looking like a contortionist trying to come into his own, with powers barely those of respiration, courtesy of several Andrew Golota south-of-the-border blows.
Picking up his dented cup and rearranged nether appendages along with his millions, Bowe retired from the ring and went home to tend to his gardens and his family. However, boredom did appear to get the better of him and after first trying to enlist in the Marines--a one-week sojourn that ended almost before it started--he next was heard of abducting his wife and five children for which he received a 17-month prison term.
Along with his sentence came the sentencing judge’s notation that the boxer was “suffering from slurred speech and brain damage,” a charge Bowe denies, saying it was merely his lawyer’s ruse to get him a reduced sentence. However, it has become common currency amongst the broken beak fraternity that Riddick was, in the vernacular of the trade, “walking on his heels.”
Now out after serving 17 months in prison, the “bored” Bowe is making a comeback. But rather than making that comeback in one of the capitals of boxing, Bowe is making it in Oklahoma, hardly the “hotbed “of boxing. Well, not really in Oklahoma, but at the Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Fire Lake Casino. And because he is fighting on tribal land, Bowe does not need a license from the Oklahoma Professional Boxing Commission. Nor a pre-fight testing.
(Here, let it be known that Bowe is so certain of victory over the deservedly underrated and ability-challenged Jeff Lally that he already has applied for a license with the Oklahoma commission for a second fight in the state. Nevertheless, his fight at the casino bears the strictest investigation and raises the question of when tribal boxing commissions will align their safety practices with those of the state boxing commissions for the protection of boxers and the betterment of the sport.)
During a recent “Cold Pizza” interview, the marketing director of the casino, in responding to a question about what safety precautions the casino had taken for the protection of the fighters, instead dwelled on the assets of the casino, even mentioning that it had a “grocery store.” Great, Riddick Bowe is fighting for a “grocery store!”
Without putting too fine a point on it, it should be pointed out that many’s the comeback that has ended badly. For references witness Greg Page’s, which ended with Greg in a coma and now partially paralyzed. And further, it should be pointed out that only eight heavyweight champions--including the recently-retired Lennox Lewis--ended their careers with a “W” after their last fight.
No, Riddick Bowe’s “lounge act” in Oklahoma does not appear destined to lead him down the path to another shot at the heavyweight championship. Instead, in all probability it will lead him down another path: that of making the once-poster boy for the sport the poster boy for its abolition.
Bert Randolph Sugar, CMXsports’ Sr. Analyst At-Large, called “ The Guru of Boxing,” has a new book Bert Sugar On Boxing,” (or “The Best of Bert Sugar, The Worst of Bert Sugar, What the Hell’s the Difference?”), published by The Lyon Press and currently available at Border’s, Barnes & Noble and
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Tae Tad, jesteś modem, wiec zrób porzadek w tym temacie!!! Chodzi mi konkretnie o tytuł, imie głownego bohatera... to tak jaby napisac Majk Tyson :roll:
1. Ogarnij ton chlopaku
2. Nie mow mi co mam robic, tym bardziej nie rozkazuj
3. Majk Tajson...hmmm...podoba mi sie, to tak brzmi po polskiemu bardziej, czaisz, nie kazdy kuma angielski, a ty taki egoista
4. patrz punkt 1, 2
5. patrz punkt 4
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