Name: Ben Burton.
Nick Name: Pixie.
Age: 23 years.
Gym: Strikeforce.
Manager: Mark Pease.
Trainer: Mark Pease..
Years training: 10 years same gym and trainer also.
Record: 63 fights, 50 wins 12 loss, 1 draw and 13 kos.
Titles: Former WKA Australian Super Feather Weight Champion
Former WMC Australian WelterWeight Champion
Former WMC Oceania Welter Weight Champion.
Also lost a close points decision for the IMPTO Super-Lightweight World Title to Marwin NarKorntong.
Hobbies: Surfing.
Recent Fights: June 2004 - Win by points - Soren Mongkontong.
March 2004 - Loss to Theerapong Pretchala, first fight in 17 months due to a damaged knee and some time off.
Last fight before lay off was October 2002 against Marwin Narkorntong Parkview who is now Thailand Champion 140 pounds and Ratchadarmnern 140 champion - lost on close points decision.
Next Fight: August 27th 2004 - Sorren Mongkongtong for the third time, i have won both but they have been close,
November 28th 2004 - London, England against Sak Nayagam
Ambitions: To be the best that i can and then some..