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Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT

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Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
Dołączona grafika
This master trick is the main movement or the basic trick used for defensive or
To escape from the opponent’s straight punch by stepping out the armed-circle lets the punch passed by the face.
The attacker throws the straight left fist to the defensive’s face and steps the left foot forwards at the same time.
The defensive escapes by stepped the right foot obliquely right side 1 step and always the body to the right side about 60 degrees the weight on the right foot, the right leg bent a little, in order to away the head and the body out and escapes from the attacker’s punch. Then pounces on the upper part of the arm with the right hand and catches the attack’s wrist with the left hand then turns front wrist up (This action is similar to break the hand)

Dołączona grafika
The attackerthrows the straight left punch to the defensive’s face then steps the left foot forwards.
The defensive stepped hurry forwards oblique to a half of the left side in the opponent’s left arm and swaying the body about 60 degrees the weight on the left foot then bent the both arms to counter the upper part and the lower part of the attacker’s arm, the both fists close to each other (similar to put the palms of the hands together in salute), the elbows open about 1 span (25 centimeters), the head and the face are covered by the both arms then glanced towards the opponent’s right punch.

Dołączona grafika
This master trick is the main basic to escape from the straight punch by Stepped out and counter by throwing the elbow.
The attacker throws the straight left punch to the defensive’s face and steps the left foot forwards.
The defensive steps hurriedly, then always the body about 30 degrees to a half of the right, the weight on the right foot, bent the left arm then striked the elbow to the attacker’s rib.

Dołączona grafika
This muster skill-is the main basic technique deface the straighten punch And uses the elbow closes to the body in-circle.
The attacker throws the straight left punch to the defensive’s face then stepped forwards.
The defensive steps quickly with the left foot forwards then the body always about 60 degrees to the nearly left side the weight on the left foot, penet the right elbow parallel to the floor and threw it to the attacker’rib.

Dołączona grafika
This Mae-Mai used for defense the straight punch by bending the body
Down at close quarters lets the punch passed over the head then threw up the punch to the chin.
The attacker throws the straight right punch to the defensive’s face and steps with the right foot forwards at the same time.
The defensive steps quickly with the left foot and slightly lowers the left knee while the right stays straight, and bends the body down forwards about 45 degrees weight on the left foot, at the same time throws up the right punch under the attacker’s chin. Turns the head back to look at the attacker’s chin while skill holds the left arm guard up on the front of the chin.

Dołączona grafika
This master skill is the main basic used for defense the punch to the chin
Technique and push the attackers first away with your arm.
The attacker throws the straight left punch to the defensive’s face. Steps the left foot forwards at the same time.
The defensive steps the left foot of forwards to the half right to the attacker closed quarters, bending the right arm to push the left punches out. Bends the left knees a little and throws up a left punch to the attacker’s chin.

Dołączona grafika
It is the important master skill. This Mae Mai used to defense the fists by
Throwing a kick to the top of the chest or abdomen.
The attacker throws the straight left punch and steps the left foot forwards.
The defensives always out wards to the right about 45 degrees, the weight on the right foot. Bends the both arms to guard the face, at the same time throws the left foot to the top of the chest of the abdomen of the attacker to push him away.

Dołączona grafika
This master skill use for defense against the kick by throwing the elbow to the shin.
The attacker stands in kicking distance and throws the right kick to the defensive’s rib the defensive Bends the body a little and bends the both arm to quard the face.
The defensive then always the body to the left then steps the left foot to the back. Bends the right arm and holds up to strike the attacker’s kick. While still guarding the face with the left arm.

Dołączona grafika
This master skill used when the opponent throws the punch to the wrong Target and loses his balance, then turns the body to kick by swinging the heel back.
The attacker throws the straight left and steps the left foot forwards.
The defensive is quick to jumping with right foot to half right in order to escaped the attacker’s punch. Bends the arm to guard the face. Stands on the left foot and turns the body to kick at the abdomen or nead with the right heel

Dołączona grafika
This master trick used for counter the kick by throwing the elbow to the thigh.
The attacker throws the right kick to the defensive’s rib, bends the both arms to quard the face.
The defensive is hurry to stepped the right foot forwards closed to the attacker. Turns the rib to the left, bends the right knee, while the left was straight, then catches the attacker’s right foot with left hand and pulls it up, strikes the right elbow to the attacker’s ham and holds the attacker’s right foot on the high to lost the balance in order to defense the attacker’s elbow

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This master trick use to defense the kick by catching the tip of the foot With the both hands and twist it, then throws the knee to the leg.
The attacker throws the right foot to the defensive’s rib, bends the arm to guard the face.
The defensive is hurry away to the left, the weight on the left foot, grasps the attacker heel with the left hand and grasps the tip of the foot twisted outwards then throws the right knee to the attacker’s calf at the same time.

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This master trick use to counter the kick by throwing the heel to the ham.
The attacker raises the left foot kick to the defensive’s rib.
The defensive is quick to throw the left foot to the left ham of the attacker, While holding on the both arms to guard the face. The kicking must do in rapidly and strongly to striked the attacker turned back and lost his balance.

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This master technique used for defense the straight punch by throwing
The fist to the face.
The attacker throws the left punch to the defensive’s face, steps the left foot forwards and guards the chin with the right arm.
The defensive steps the right foot forwards to a half right escape from the attacker’s left punch, turns the body to right side. Grabs and pressed down the attacker’ left arm and throws the left punch to the face then jumps to a half right side.

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This master trick is the very important trick use for defense the opponent
Who is the quickly fighter by throwing the punch kick and elbow continually. To training is deviled into 3 parts.
The attacker throws the straight left punch to the defensive’s face and steps the left foot forwards.
The defensive steps the left foot hurriedly forwards close to the attacker’ face. Wipes the attacker’ left hand out by the right arm.

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The attacker throws the straight left punch and steps the left foot
Forwards towards the attacker and inserts the right arm to grab the attacker’ left arm, then jumping to jerk the attacker’ neck down and throw the knee to the face
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  • Zainteresowania:Muay Thai

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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
Troche Polszczyzny na ten temat:

Mae Mai i Look Mai są niejako najważniejszym „abecadłem“ Muay Thai. Są to prawdopodobnie najstarsze wzory rozwiązań technicznych datowane w prapoczątkach Muay Thai. Wszystko wskazuje na to iż pochodzą jeszcze ze starożytnych technik przekazanych przez Chińskie plemiona. Za tym rodowodem szczególnie przemawia częste schodzenie do niskiej pozycji „jeźdźca” tak charakterystycznej dla przytłaczającej większości systemów Chińskiego Kungfu oraz „kwieciste” nazewnictwo popularne w większości Chińskich stylów (późniejsze techniki Muay Thai mają proste nazwy wyraźnie opisujące technikę). Szczegółowe wykonanie technik Mae Mai i Look Mai może się różnić w zależności od szkoły lub nauczyciela, jednakże ich ogólny wzorzec zawsze pozostaje ten sam. Są swoistymi „wzorcami zachowania w walce”. Uznawane są za najstarszą i najważniejszą tradycję Muay Thai którą powinien opanować każdy uczeń. Znajomość tych technik jest często niejako „wyznacznikiem autentyczności” szkoły lub nauczyciela. O ich znaczeniu świadczy fakt iż ogromna większość z nich do tej pory z powodzeniem stosowana jest przez wielu zawodników na ringu.

Wkrotce Look Mai
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
fajne techniczki ; )
zawsze podobały mi sie galotki jak maja Ci kolesie na foteczkach ; )) musze sobie takie sprawic
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT

fajne techniczki ; )
zawsze podobały mi sie galotki jak maja Ci kolesie na foteczkach ; )) musze sobie takie sprawic

Tradycyjne spodenki do muay boran :) wkrotce bede mial caly taki sprzet (kaad chuek - owijacze itp) jak coos to na priv dam znac
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
hmm to mi troche wyjasniło na temat taja ...myślałem że u was nie ma żadnych obrotówek a tu taka niespodzianka :) musze sobie kiedyś taja spróbowac...i powiedz Tae skąd ty tyle tego masz??!!pełen podziwu
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
nieliche techniki, podoba mi się :)
swoją drogą mam coś takiego (bardzo podobne foty) w pdf-ie jako e-book, sporo tego ale wkleić nie mogę, bo to pdf...może spróbuję wrzucić to gdzieś by ściągnąć się dało.
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT

i powiedz Tae skąd ty tyle tego masz??!!pełen podziwu

Ma sie 8) :)
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
TA[d]E[k] --- jak bedziasz miał takie cuś to z wsyztkim info czekam na priva ; ) czadowe sa te spodenki : D
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
Bo nasz tadziu to jest taki supergosc :)

Opisy trickow sa w pytke, btw, skad dorwac kaad chuek?
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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT

Bo nasz tadziu to jest taki supergosc :)

Opisy trickow sa w pytke, btw, skad dorwac kaad chuek?

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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
kiedys ogladalam to na necie, moglbys podac linka do tej stronki ze zdjatkami?
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  • Lokalizacja:jakaś afryka, sam nie wiem
  • Zainteresowania:Muay Thai

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Re: Mae Mai - 15 trikow mistrzowskich MT
Tadziu, wspominalem ze masz u mnie piwo? :)
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