Póki co potwierdzone:
Bob Sapp vs Akebono - ale o tym wiedzieliśmy wcześniej
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Genki Sudo vs Butterbean 3min x 5round na zasadach MMA - LoL Genki dwa razy lżejszy

Alexey Ignashov vs ??? również na zasadach MMA
Trener MMA Alexa pan Marco Cavalcante chwalił Ignashowa iż ten bardzo szybko sie uczy.
"I'm very impressed, Alexey's dedication is very good, his level is high, he has learned quickly and he is ready to go"
MMA is new for me and I like new things so I am excited.
I can use some of my K-1 skills, but I am also learning new things. Marco is a great trainer I am learning a lot from him, jiu-jitsu and all sorts of styles. It is very interesting for me."

Zapowiada sie fajna gala... Ciekawe kto jeszcze dojdzie