Damien RICCIO pokonał Robina GRACIE
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IVC french Fighter Damien RICCIO beats Robin GRACIE in one VALE TUDO Challenge fight in FRANCE
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] w dziale rumors
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I want to say some things about that fight. I was there because I was the one driving Robin to the seminar.
The French fighter came in the midle of the seminary to ask for a vale tudo. Robin accepted without even knowing is oponent.
Then we told him he was a profesional fighter but Robin has yet accepted.
At the end of the seminary, the guy came back with is brother and they asked for the rules. As Robin didn't have any protecions, he wanted a fight without gloves or anything and with headbuts and everything.
Then the fight started and without time limitation.
Robin gave some nice lowkicks, the other too but less effective in my opinion. Then Robin gave a good punch to the head of the french. The other tried too, but was less efective.
Then Robin did a new punch but that time for going for the takedown.
The other defended it well, but Robin taked him into is guard. From there, the other started to headbut Robin and punching him behind the head. There was no real solid punches from the french guy because Robin defended well.
After a few minutes, Robin tried to swip the french, but he has a great balance and the swip missed. Then Robin tried a triangle, but the other go to his feet in order to not being caught by the legs.
From there, Robin kicked the head of the guy, he fall down on Robin puching him. Bye doing that, he gets the half guard.
then from there, the French guy continues punching and headbutting. And Robin was using his feet to creat space and punch too.
At that moment there was a lot af blood. Robin, feeling that I was soon going to gass and thinking the blood was from him, he stopped the fight.
The french guy went to his feet to celebrate, but finaly the blood on Robin was from the other.
Robin didn't have anything and the other took 5 steeches to the eye...
Robin that was not prepared asked for an other fight, but that time with preparation. The french fighter agreed for a reematch in spain, and agreed too to loose 5 kilos in order to make a weight limitation at 80kg.
Robin tiene un peso de 75kg.
Damien Riccio : [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
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The guy show up at Robin's seminar and started to talk **** and wanted to fight Robin, so Robin did. Then fought the guy punch Robin and Robin shot in, the guy spralled, Robin pulled guard and punch him from the guard, the blood on Robin's shirt is from the guys face. Then the fight stopped. Robin said to the guy that they should setup a time anytime he wants to and have a fight for real. The guy started talking **** about my family and all my borothers and all the Brazilians saying that they are nothing. I am in Spain right now, I am going to take care of this m****er. Robin invited him to my seminar this weekend so that we can have a fight and I will show him what Brazilians are all about, he guy already back down, saying that he has to work that weekend, but he will try. Well if he dont come, I will go see him. that is the story.
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Jeżeli naprawdę Riccio mniej więcej tak to ujął to na miejscu Royce'a też bym chciał walczyćThe guy started talking **** about my family and all my borothers and all the Brazilians saying that they are nothing.
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Na to wygląda i z opisu i z video :?Jeśli dobrze zrozumiałem, to Robin odklepał bo myślał, że krwawi?
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Pocięli troche ten film, więc generalnie to pewnie ciężko stwierdzić o czym myślał Robin kiedy klepał :?No właśnie z filmu widac tylko, że klepał i miał na rękawku krew. Mogliby też pokazać z drugiej strony.
Trochę nie wygląda mi on ani na duszonego ani dźwigni tam specjalnej... cholera wie - klepie, siada i ogląda sobie spokojnie tą krew. Pewnie jeśli będzie rewanż to oboje się postarają by nie było niepewności.
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i'm damien RICCIO the guys who challenge your brother Robin during a seminar in My town PERPIGNAN in FRANCE.
You talk very trash about me and something you don't know.
I challenged him very pleasantly respectfull and he agrees. He could say no and i got back but he accept smily and say ok.
I got back and let Robin finish his seminar (without loosing any energy with rolling with guys).
I came back for fighting and Robin tapped down after a complete domination.
So what is the problem????
Do you remember one thing :"GRACIE CHALLENGE"!!!????
What can we see in GRACIE IN ACTION!!!???
Where is the problem???
The only problem is that: he accepted and lost in what you claimed to be undefeated :REAL FIGHT.
So I never disrespect your family or Brasilians.
I told to Robin that you were my idol because when I saw royce and rickson for the First time on UFC and VALE TUDO it was for me a dream.
BUT NOW : I saw you insult me and disrespect me and I am very very surprised.
But right now I do not respect you at all for your trash talking about me and I am very disapointed by your attitude.
But right now by these words I know that you are not respectfull people and you will never beat me.
you just act like bad streetfighter and not professional and I know i will crush you.
SO now RODRIGO I tell it to you : you are a son of bitch and you will be the easier Gracie to beat regarding your poors bad fights in Pride.
ROYCE I am now injure because of two long fight in 2 weeks but i accept your challenge when you want.
But for this week end i cannot fight but my young brother MATTHIAS will be happy to kick your ass if you come in my town.
Contact me at [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] and let's see.
By the way we are too 7 RICCIO.
I have a big family like you and we are ready for the war...
sorry for my bad english.
Nie no koles jest niezly ;P[/b]
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Co do wallki to koleś naprawde dobrze zbudowany, silny, i bardzo agresywny Nie wyobrażam sobie szczerze mówiąc aby tą walkę mógł wygrać Gracie. Bardzo go szanuje ale wiadomo że jedynym niepokonanym z rodu Gracje jest Rickson ...
Chciałbym aby walka została powtużona ... I pewnie do tego dojdzie bo nie wieże żeby rodzina Gracje text " SO now RODRIGO I tell it to you : you are a son of bitch and you will be the easier Gracie to beat regarding your poors bad fights in Pride " sobie poprostu odpuściła...
Może być z tego niezła wojna ale chyba chłopak porywa sie z motyką na słońce ...
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Bylo by all cacy gdyby z tym na sieci nie wyjezdzali bo teraz o tym wrze na kazdym wiekszym forum zagranicznym.
Takie zachodnie karol vs sliwka tyle ze tym razem wersja sliwki moze i odpisuje w sieci. My mamy swoje zamieszania, oni swoje.
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A że Gracie się wkuli to mnie nie dziwi, ale może czas na zmianę króla ??
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Troche czasu tego "dzika" w gardzie trzymal.
Tak to juz jest. Raz sie wygrywa innym razem nie.
A Gracie Family powinni byc przygotowani na to,
ze gdziekolwiek sie pojawia moze znalezc sie
jakis mniej lub bardziej lokalny osilek, ktory bedzie sie chcial
sprawdzic. Dla takiego przegrac z Gracie to zaden dyshonor.
Brazylijczycy maja duzo wiecej do stracenia.
Co zreszta widac po ich reakcji.
A swoja droga to koles jest niezly.
Takiego paszkwila wysmarowal 8O
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Notabene mój sparringpartner jest ode mnie dobre 20 cm wyższy i dobre naście kg cięższy to wiem o czym piszesz
Wagi wagami Kubusiu P. a walka była zdaje się na regułach VT a tam zdaje się wszyscy walczą w jednej 8)
W zasadzie napisałem co widziałem, ale patentu na prawdę absolutną to nie mam.
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Tak na marginesie to juz dawno zauwazylem , ze nawet rodzina G. wpadla w to samouwielbienie i sama uwierzyla ze jest nie do pobica .
Jednak kazdy Achilles ma swoja piete , i Gracie przegrywaja i beda przegrywali.Przeciez nie kazdy Gracie to Carlos czy Rickson , tak ze i biedny Robin po prostu moze nigdy nie byl i nie bedzie dobrym fighterem.
Sama walka bardzo mierna i z jednej i z drugiej strony , Robin nie pokazal nic , Damien tylko to ze nie boi sie uzywac glowy do uderzania.
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Seiken masz racje, z nazwiskiem Gracie, nie przychodzi automatycznie monopol na talent i zwyciestwa.
Zreszta - jak ich sie oglada w czasie "spotkan" rodzinnych, to mozna naocznie stwierdzic, ze nie zapowiada sie w tym rodzie nikt, o szczegolnych warunkach fizycznych (wiec w "ciezkiej" trudno cos z korzyscia dla nich prognozowac), a sama technika to juz dzis troche za malo. "Swiat" tez sie juz sporo nauczyl.
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Jarek w vale tudo, tez sa podzialy na wagi!
Taaaa masz rację, coś mi się popierdoliło...
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