MMAWeekly reader Mark Toporov of New York sent us this bizarre tidbit. "Hey guys I read you everyday and my state of New York is the dumbest ever as the Chinese MMA art of San Shou is now illegal in NY State. Please read the bottom and have all readers complain to the New York State Athletic Commission."
"The following is being sent to all Chinese martial arts organizations since recent changes in New York State law have made ALL Chinese martial arts competitions which include point sparring, continuous sparring, Shuai Chiao, Chi Sau, push hands and San Shou ILLEGAL. The amendment to the current sports law (Section 5A) states that the only legal 'martial arts' competition will be ones sanctioned by organizations on the State Athletic Commission's approved list. This list is
U.S. Judo Association
U.S. Judo, Inc.
U.S. Judo Federation
U.S. Tae Kwon Do Union
North American Sport Karate Association
U.S.A. Karate Foundation
U.S. Karate, Inc.
World Karate Association
Professional Karate Association
Karate International
International Kenpo Association
World Wide Kenpo Association
ONLY these 12 organizations can run events in NY State. Furthermore, the commission has not established any process by which other organizations can be added. If you are not one of the above organizations, they will send police to shut your event down.
Thus, Chinese martial art competitions are now illegal in NY State!
Voice your opposition to this ridiculous list and the fact the commission will not add a Chinese martial art organization to the list
New York State Athletic Commission
123 William Street
20th floor
NY NY 10038
(212) 417-5700
fax (212) 417-4987

Kung Fu nielegalne ?
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Chyba nie tylko chinskich bo wychodzi na to ze Bjj, Kick, Aikido, KendoPatrzac po wypisce styli chodzi o to ze japonscy panowie chca wygryzc chinskich panow...
i jeszcze inne Sztuki Walki nie moga organizowac zawodow (bo chyba o to
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Czy oni nie wiedzą że ich nacja wystarczająco śmieszna jest i więcej uśmiechu może spowodować rozerwanie mojej twarzy?

Oto do czego może doprowadzić przerost biurokracji nad zdrowym rozsądkiem...
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