Ciekawostka z ADCC
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-87.9kg Fighters Country School Style
1. Robert Sulski Poland SW Poland SW
Gracie Barra U.K. BJJ and SW tournament 1st 2002. Ultimate Grappling Challenge 2nd 2001. Frank Shamrock Invitation 1st 2001. BJJ Poland Open 1st 2000.
Kto wie co to za mily czlowiek ?
I co to za otwarte zawody ktore mialy miejsce 2 lata temu w bjj ?
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66-76.9 KG - Jussi Tammelin (FINLAND)
77-87.9 KG - Robert Sulski (POLAND)
88-98.9 KG - Ilir Latifi (SWEDEN)
99 KG up - Mika Ilmen (FINLAND)[/quote]
Eleminacje zakonczone i jak widac Robert zakwalifikowal sie do Abu Dhabi. Trzymamy kciuki

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77-87.9 KG - Robert Sulski (POLAND) !

Robert to ten w czerwonych spodenkach.
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Under 87.9K winner Rob Sulski talks to Carl Fisher, post fight, Turku, Finland, January 11th 2003
Congratulations Rob, victory for Poland and now you?re on your way to Brazil, how do you feel?
Rob: I feel great; this is the best way to get into the competition, by entering and winning the division.
What?s your competition background?
Rob: I did freestyle wrestling back home when I was young and then I started with London Shootfighters about five years ago and they have taught me a lot about BJJ, for which I am grateful and I have Sambo experience and I have put it all together and we train in a small group, exchanging techniques and submissions.
When was your last competition?
Rob: The last competition was the Gracie Barra Open and I won my weight division and I was supposed to fight in Japan but the opponent dropped out through injury, so the fight never happened.
Have you done any NHB?
Rob: I have competed a while ago in trials competitions, that?s all.
Who did you train with for this competition?
Rob: I have been training with Kamal Locke, Mustafa Al Tourk and a few other guys who would come down to the gym and we?d train with them and I also lifted weights in the gym as well.
I dare say your training will have to step up somewhat, now you?re in the finals?
Rob: Oh yes indeed Carl, I hope to get out to Brazil before I go; the funny thing about training in Brazil is that once you qualify, they all get to know who you are, so I would like to get out to a gym away from the major academies and I have a good freestyle coach from Russia who will be teaching me as well, so yes, training will be much harder now.
What about the weather here?
Rob: Oh very very cold (laughs), but the atmosphere is very good here and it was a very well organized event. I wasn?t happy with some of my match performances, but I won at the end of day and I suppose I shouldn?t complain.
Rob, thanks for your time, I?ll let you get off for a shower and see you later tonight for a few well earned beers.
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Ładnie skończył gościa. :twisted:
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Wrzuciłem na FTP walkę finałową Roberta Sulskiego. Można ją też ściągnąć przez DC.
Ładnie skończył gościa. :twisted:
Czesc ,czy moglbys wyslac mi walke mojego brata, ja nie moge sie dostac na FTP!
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