gosc twierdzi ze sam sie nauczyl parteru (patrz ponizej)
i podobno byl atrakcja UFC 38, czy ktos wie wiecej?
Kevin Pearce: So if you haven't been taught grappling from anyone, how did you learn it?
Mark Weir: Well how I went about grappling is like all martial artists, or styles of martial arts have some form of self defence. The back ground I came from, we had a lot of standing locks, standing chokes and so forth. To apply on the floor is no different.
The only thing we could do was roll around and experiment. A lot of it was taken off friends or training partners, we were picking things up of videos or other competitions. Again for me, it felt very natural to me to be able to lock people up in certain ways, things like figure four armlocks which were applied standing, I could just as easy apply on the ground, so I already had a basis from that and doing door security work in the early nineties, I learnt a lot of restraints, I messed around with people who were in the game as well .So they showed me a few standing locks which I could also apply on the ground, and it was a natural progression from there really.

MArk Weir? kim on jest?
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