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UFO sie zblirza

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UFO sie zblirza
Oto juz pewne walki jakie odbeda sie na dachodziacym UFO :)

PRIDE Heavyweight champion
Rodrigo "Minotauro" Nogueira
PANCRASE favorite
Sanae Kikuta

Ruasa zastapi
Wallid Ismail VS Murakami Kazunari

Mario Sperry VS Wataru Sakata

Rogerio "Minotouro" Nogueira VS Vladimir Matyushenko

No jak narazie zapowiada sie super :)
Pierwsza gala i tacy zawodnicy wow :)

No mnie jeszcze interesuja jakie zasady beda obowiazywaly podczas walk.
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Re: UFO sie zblirza
Znalazlem jescze troche info o UFO:

In 1977, Inoki already the idea of the World Martial Arts Association (then known as W.M.A.) during the series of the mixed martial arts matches. Satoru Sayama came up with the open glove with which the fighter can use his fingers, trained at the Mejiro Gym for kickboxing, and fought Mark Costello.

Since then, the idea seemed to be forgotten as Inoki's series of the mixed matches were over. However, after Naoya Ogawa, former world judo champion, became a professional fighter, the relationship between Inoki and Sayama was revived. The idea received the attention after 20 years of the blank.

Inoki's retirement as an active wrestler is not an epilogue of a legend but is actually a prologue of the new legend.

UFO - Universal Fighting arts Organization

The World Martial Arts Association changed from "W.M.A." to the "U.F.O.", and Inoki started the new steps to pursuit the fighting arts.


Ring Size
Rectangular 6m (20ft), 3 to 4 ropes, UFO official hard mat (no springs).

KO: Fighter unable to stand or get into fighting stance.
Referee Stop: Referee can stop a fight when he feels the fighter cannot continue.
Doctor Stop: The ringside physician can stop a fight when he decides that a fighter cannot continue.
Give Up: Fighter decides he cannot continue. He can tap or tell referee.

UFO Official "Open Finger" Gloves
UFO Official Shin Guards

We do not allow attacks to the groin, spinal cord, eyes, or elbow to
the head/face. Every other type of attack is allowed.

Everything other than finger submission is allowed.

All types of throwing allowed.

Breaks only occur if more than half the fighter=81fs body is outside of ropes
or the referee feels the fighters cannot break the clinch themselves. Once a
breaks occurs the referee will direct the fighter=81es to the fighting stance.

The referee will warn the fighter whether the foul was on purpose or not. If
the fighter ignores these warnings, they will be disqalified. Fighters may not
attack when their opponent is down and the referee is checking their condition.

Special Kick Rules
The UFO may use the basic kickboxing rules where time-limited rounds are used.
This will apply only to special matches.
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  • Lokalizacja:Gdansk
  • Zainteresowania:BJJ/MMA

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Re: UFO sie zblirza

elbow to
the head/face. Every other type of attack is allowed

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Re: UFO sie zblirza
To ja moze na poczatku skomentuje te walki:
Minotauro vs Kikuta. Dawid i Goliat. Wygrana Kikuty chyba byla by duzym zaskoczeniem nie tylko dla mnie.
Veterena Ruasa zastapili Ismailem. O przeciwniku nic nie wiem. Ale wiem cos o Wallidim. Jest zbyt jedno stronny. Ostatnie 2 walki, z Akira i Alexem przegral. Pokazal wtedy iz jedyne co umie to walyczc w parterze. Pozbawiony tej mozliwosci jest bezradny. Co bylo widac. Walka byla jedno stronna i przez to malo ciekawa. Nie sadze aby Ismail teraz zaskoczyl, a szkoda bo w sporcie ma on nie liche osiagniecia. Jednak mozna go chyba traktowac juz jako relikt. Symbol tego jak sie kiedys walczylo i ze teraz to juz za malo aby odnosic zwyciestwa.
Mario, czy to nie ten czlowiek poddal Igora ?. Brazylijczyk, Czarny pas bjj, podobnie jak Ismail ma na koncie pokonanego Gracie w sport bjj. O jego przeciwniku w sumie tez niewiele wiadomo. Ale nie wystawia sie zoltodzioba przeciwko takiej osobie jak Mario w takim show.
Kolejny Nogueira. To nazwisko zaczyna zobowiazywac podobnie jak niegdys Gracie. Zobaczymy czy zrobi pokaz umiejetnosci i rozjedzie Vladymira.
Coz, czas pokaze.
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Re: UFO sie zblirza

elbow to
the head/face. Every other type of attack is allowed


Wyciagnelm to ze strony U.F.O.
Skad przekoniae ze to bzdura ??
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