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# [Feature] Let the user choose how to update modified files (merging, using new file or using old file) within automatic updater
# [Feature] Allow "older" updates applied with the automatic updater. This allows people using it for updating, say, from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (with the correct package of course) and then from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 if the latest version at this time is 3.0.2. These changes take effect beginning with RC4 or people replacing install/install_update.php manually prior doing the updates.
# [Feature] Ability to disable birthdays completely with new board features setting
# [Feature] Ability to externally set $phpbb_root_path if wrapping phpBB3 by defining constant PHPBB_ROOT_PATH
# [Change] Add version number to ACP index (Bug #13703)
# [Change] Improved utf8_clean_string with a more complete list of homographs and NFKC normalization
# [Change] Re-implemented All Yes/No/Never links in permission panels for easier changing all categories at once
# [Change] Advanced permission link now "marked" if no role is assigned and custom permissions set. With this an admin can instantly see if the object is not set at all or having custom permissions, something you only saw if advanced permissions were viewed before.
# [Fix] Enforce the max password length for automatically generated password created by the password sender (Bug #13181)
# [Fix] Correctly destroy sql cache for some query combinations (Bug #13237)
# [Fix] Allow link forums being password protected (Bug #12967)
# [Fix] Correctly hide post/reply buttons if permissions are not given (related to Bug #12809)
# [Fix] Remove orphan/wrong permission entries for non-existent forums - self-repairing permissions if conversions went "crazy"
# [Fix] Increased the number of style objects (styles, templates, themes and imagesets) possible from 127 to 65535 for MySQL (Bug #13179)
# [Fix] Correctly convert 2.0 website profile fields. (Bug #13379)
# [Fix] Correctly mark forums read if using cookie based topic tracking (Bug #13245)
# [Fix] Only show moderator log entries for forums the user is having moderation rights in (Bug #12481)
# [Fix] Fixed bug in realpath replacement letting it actually work again
# [Fix] Use global url validation for img bbcode tag (Bug #11935)
# [Fix] Added proper unicode support to style names (Bug #12165)
# [Fix] Missing localisation for an imageset no longer triggers a lot of "imageset refreshed" log messages (Bug #12027)
# [Fix] Allow manual specification of remote avatar dimensions if getimagesize is disabled (Bug #13531)
# [Fix] Send out activation email if admin activation is enabled and user activated through inactive users panel upon registration (Bug #12065)
# [Fix] Several fixes for custom profile fields on multi-lingual boards (Bugs #13763, #13527, #13525, #11515)
# [Fix] Cron now uses a locking variable to make sure it does not spawn too many webserver processes (Bug #12741)
# [Fix] Cached stylesheet now supporting gzip compression
# [Fix] Fixing session problems when using MySQL strict mode in conjunction with very long browser agent string (Bug #13827)
# [Fix] Allow moving private messages from the sentbox (Bug #13791
RC4 to RC5
* [Sec] Added alternative tokens to custom BBCodes which are safe for CSS/Javascript and changed TEXT token to entitise opening and closing parantheses.
* [Feature] New constant PHPBB_EMBEDDED can be used to let phpBB not call exit; if wrapped/embedded (We may re-check this constant on other code locations later too)
* [Feature] append_sid() having a check for the function append_sid_phpbb_hook(). This function is called in favour of append_sid() with the exact same parameters if present.
* [Feature] Add "DECIMAL:", "PDECIMAL", and "PDECIMAL:" to the schema creation code (Bug #13999) - patch provided by poyntesm
* [Feature] Display message history in compose PM screen
* [Change] Made group avatar/rank changes more intuitive
* [Change] Do not force login on visiting topic/forum from notification emails (Bug #13818)
* [Change] For new posts or editing the first post topic titles have a maxlength of 60 characters. For any subsequent posts the length is extended to 64 to make room for the Re: part, but cutting at 60 characters. The maxlength need to be 64, else users using opera are unable to post (opera does not allow pre-filling a field with more characters than specified within the maxlength attribute)
* [Change] Added a filter for user objects to LDAP configuration and improved explanations (Bug #12627)
* [Fix] Properly display ban reason if selecting banned entries within the ACP (Bug #13896)
* [Fix] Properly parse SQL expressions for Oracle (Bug #13916)
* [Fix] Display locked icon in viewforum/prosilver if forum locked (Bug #14009)
* [Fix] Fixed cron_lock value for cron execution. This bug led to users having problems with the email queue and other cron related issues.
* [Fix] Prevent white pages on php notices with gzip compression enabled (Bug #14096)
* [Fix] Let the theme immediately expire if changed from ACP for at least 30 minutes after change
* [Fix] If sending PM's to groups only include activated member (Bug #14040)
* [Fix] Correctly wrap words in emails containing utf8 characters (Bug #14109)
* [Fix] Disable gzip compression for cached stylesheet for Internet Explorer 6 or empty browser (IE6 is not able to properly display the compressed stylesheet) (Bug #14054)
* [Fix] Header icons fixed in FF for RTL languages (Bug #14084)
* [Fix] Allow line breaks in custom BBCodes (Bug #10758)
* [Fix] Convert 2.0 moderator posting permissions (Bug #14105)
* [Fix] odbc_autocommit causing existing result sets to be dropped (Bug #14182)
Takie to zmiany {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif
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Daj mi zmienianie nicku:D Bo chcę być kreatywny^^
Jeśli można oczywiscie {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Nie udzielam pomocy na PW / PM / Priv. Wszelkie pytania proszę pisać na forum, w temacie otrzymasz więcej opinii.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Nie udzielam pomocy na PW / PM / Priv. Wszelkie pytania proszę pisać na forum, w temacie otrzymasz więcej opinii.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Nie udzielam pomocy na PW / PM / Priv. Wszelkie pytania proszę pisać na forum, w temacie otrzymasz więcej opinii.
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Czytaj post wyżej, związku z wydaniem RC7 stare style nie chciały działać więc je usunąłem, kiedy nagram nowy {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif To zależy kiedy się pojawi jakiś fajny styl ale podejrzewam że już niedługo {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gifłooo EXPERTO co to się stało z forum ?? Gdzie poprzednia grafika?? {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif
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Podobne tematy
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Walka nożem w Warszawie-aktualizacja :) |
aktualizacja strony kanału #bjj na irc |
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